Saturday, June 11, 2022

Hell Freezes Over at CNN

David Gregory blasts hypocrite Lefties who have not criticized Kavanaugh home protesters

 “I mean, activism has its place, of course, speaking out has its place too, but to threaten a Supreme Court Justice and his family outside of his home is beyond the pale. And the truth is that a lot of people on the left who are in political power are being so hypocritical about this. They lecture us all the time about the excesses of the right, including Donald Trump on January 6, fomenting mob violence, and yet they are out there countenancing — as they have with statements before — that it’s okay to stand outside these people’s homes.”

Overstocking at Target, Walmart, Amazon, and other big retailers are the latest unexpected red flag for what’s happening in the economy.

Rachel Maddow (Video): 

“Just a key point, that yes, there was a pro-Trump rally at which the president spoke. And we can absolutely talk about all the things the president said there. But the idea that that rally is the thing that got out of hand and that somehow resulted in the breaching of the capitol – that rally was very far from the Capitol and the people who, as you say, did the initial breach, that allowed everybody else to come in, they never even went to that rally.”

Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact plot”

Yale Prof Timothy Snyder

Russia has a hunger plan. Vladimir Putin is preparing to starve much of the developing world as the next stage in his war in Europe.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Ruy Texieira / Liberal Patriot 

Time for the Democrats’ Chesa Boudin Moment!

"Start with the fact that Asians are the fastest-growing racial group in the country and Democrats have viewed their an uncomplicated and burgeoning asset for them. However, starting in 2020 there were troubling signs of attrition in Asian support for Democrats.... One problem has been that Asians are worried about public safety and leery of a Democratic party that has become associated with 'defund the police' and a soft approach to containing crime. Another has been that Asians, like Hispanics, are a constituency that does not harbor particularly radical views on the nature of American society and how it must be remade to cleanse it of intrinsic racism and white supremacy.... They are far more interested in how they and their families can get ahead in actually-existing American society. Finally... Asian voters... see [education] as the key tool for upward mobility.... But Democrats have become increasingly associated with an approach to schooling that seems anti-meritocratic, oriented away from standardized tests, gifted and talented programs and test-in elite schools.... This of course was a huge issue in San Francisco, where the School Board pushed this approach up to and including replacing the rigorous entrance test for the famed Lowell School with a lottery. That move, combined with the School Board’s bizarre obsession with an 'anti-racist' school renaming project even as schools remained closed and students suffered, angered Asian parents and others so much that they took the lead in successfully recalling three of the ringleaders of this approach, a clear precursor to the current recall.”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) on Tuesday claimed that the FBI is “purging” employees who hold conservative viewpoints.

Merrick Garland Ignored Threats Against Brett Kavanaugh After Serving 10 Years Together as Federal Judges

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Bari Weiss

The Washington Post’s Descent Into Middle School Antics

And why we're building something new.

So whether the staffers and editors at places like the Times and the Post ignored the riots of summer 2020 while genuflecting to the lunatic idea that op-eds are violence because they were true believers in the new dogma or because they were careerists or because they were just plain scared only meant that some of them broke your heart more than others.


The High Cost of Constant Covid Testing

Government helped labs earn windfall profits from the pandemic.

Margot Cleveland / The Federalist

Recently released handwritten notes reveal the FBI either lied or U.K. intelligence fed information to the U.S. agents investigating Donald Trump and his associates.

Tucker Carlson (video)

Peter Navarro's arrest is a huge step toward the politics of the third world

President Barack Obama approved a statement by the U.S. intelligence community in October 2016 accusing Russia of stealing emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), despite the U.S. government not having obtained the DNC server images crucial to ascertaining whether Moscow was involved in the theft.

Life Site News

Leftist domestic terrorist baby killers try again to kill pro-lifers


CNN's new boss, Chris Licht, is evaluating whether personalities and programming that grew polarizing during the Trump era can adapt to the network's new priority to be less partisan.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Robert Malone

Science versus Scientism, Part I

Anthony Fauci, appropriately named as the “America’s high priest of scientism” by Everett Piper, has been dishonest with the American people throughout the COVID crisis, and has repeatedly substituted his opinions for scientifically-based factual information, directly contributing to one of the greatest losses of life, freedom and livelihood in the history of mankind. This is an embodiment of the true essence and nature of Scientism.

A paper published on Sunday at The New England Journal of Medicine outlined a study of 18 rectal cancer patients who were given dostarlimab every three weeks for six months and ended up cancer-free, including the first patient who is now two years out from the trial.

Victor Davis Hanson

The Sovietization of American Life

David French

Against Gun Idolatry

As American gun culture moves from defense to defiance, it puts our democracy at risk.

Gun stores in Canada have seen handguns fly off the shelves, with many selling out altogether after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced gun control legislation freezing all pistol purchases.

Legal Insurrection

Defund the Police’ Narrative Crumbles as Big City Dems Make Fighting Crime Central to Election Campaigns

“And from Baltimore and Atlanta in the East to San Francisco and Seattle in the West, the [Democrat] candidates and elected officials pushing the party to address crime more aggressively are largely people of color.” – New York Times

Daniel Horowitz

The vaccine is vaccinating against immunity, not the virus

As you can see, just one out of the 353 new hospitalizations over the preceding 14 days in Australia’s largest state was unvaccinated, where the patient’s vaccination status was known. Shockingly, 72.5% of the hospitalizations were among those with three or more shots. Again, we’ve seen the negative efficacy for contracting COVID for months, but we were told the protection against serious illness was still robust. According to these numbers, there does not appear to be any benefit, especially for the elderly people who need that protection the most. Moreover, 64 of the 96 new COVID deaths where the vaccination status was known were among those with three or more shots. Without age-stratified rates, we cannot conclusively prove negative efficacy against serious illness just from this data alone, but what is clear is that vaccination does not offer much protection, if any, and that’s before factoring in all of the risks and side effects.

Jonathan Turley

Subpoena wars: Washington is on a path to mutually assured destruction

Jonathan Turley 

George Brown College Under Fire for Requiring a “Land Acknowledgment Statement” 

Jonathan Turley 

New York Attorneys Accused of Firebombing Police Car Given Generous Plea Deal

Alex Berenson

The Australian government reported on May 25 that deaths in Australia were 21 percent above normal in early 2022. Even excluding Covid deaths, deaths were more than 10 percent above normal.

Ric Grenell:

Sunday, June 5, 2022

COVID was deadly to working-class Americans in 2020

A study found that blue collar, service and retail workers who couldn’t work at home were far more vulnerable than those in higher-paying jobs.

NYT via Althouse

"Thousands Swept Up as Kremlin Clamps Down on War Criticism/The arrests are a stark gauge of how the Kremlin has intensified repression of critics. At least 50 people now face years-long prison sentences"

Althouse:  "This is terrible. It's happening in Russia. And yet, it's not that far from what is taking hold in the United States. We are losing our commitment to freedom of speech, and many of us have taken up the cause of suppressing what we think of as "false information." It's easy to see from a long distance that a crackdown on "false information" crushes the process of truth-seeking. I'd like to think that recognizing the destructive policy in this distant enemy country could help Americans see the need to restore our commitment to freedom of speech."


"It's rather clear that if the state makes psychiatrists into abortion gatekeepers, they will not exercise their power according to professional ethics."

WSJ: I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road Trip. I Spent More Time Charging It Than I Did Sleeping.