Saturday, August 28, 2021

Jonathan Turley

Justified shooting or fair game? Shooter of Ashli Babbitt makes shocking admission

Under this standard, hundreds of rioters could have been gunned down on Jan. 6 — and officers in cities such as Seattle or Portland, Ore., could have killed hundreds of violent protesters...

Jerusalem Post

Can a cup of yogurt 'cure' your case of COVID-19?

Pre-clinical research by Israeli scientists, published in Microbiome, indicates that Kefir could be used to treat cytokine storms caused by coronavirus.

Not The Bee: A major newspaper implied that 901 Florida residents died of COVID in a single day. It was actually as low as eight. 

Don’t black lives matter if those “vaccines” take them?

How propaganda hides the genocidal impact of the COVID-19 “vaccination” program

Eric Clapton releases Vaccine protest anthem (video)

“My hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning,” he wrote at the time. As he sings in “This Has Gotta Stop,” “I knew that something was going on wrong/When you started laying down the law/I can’t move my hands, I break out in sweat/I wanna cry, I can’t take it anymore.”

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Glenn Greenwald

The Bizarre Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates

The quickest and most guaranteed way to save hundreds of thousands of lives with policy changes would be to ban the use of automobiles, or severely restrict their usage to those authorized by the state on the ground of essential need (e.g., ambulances or food-delivery vehicles), or at least lower the nationwide speed limit to 25 mph.

Pat Buchanan

The debacle in Kabul is America’s worst humiliation in living memory.

Dr. Marty Makary (video): 

Team Biden, stop using COVID to distract from Afghanistan

Biden's White House is making daily headline-grabbing announcements on COVID despite no new data to support them


Prof. Jay Battacharya (video): "The lockdowns were the single biggest mistake in public health history."

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 Joe Bastardi: Warming could lead to LESS intense, hurricane hits on the U.S.

Supreme Court rules Trump's Remain in Mexico Policy must be Reinstated

John McWhorter via Althouse

The Performance Antiracism of Black Students at the U of Wisconsin

It was racism, he says, to behave as if the students were making sense when they were not.

U of Michigan Med School:

Protein in breast milk best of all existing drugs tested for fighting COVID infection.

Newsweek: Americans Under 30 Have Rapidly Turned Against Gun Control Laws, Poll Finds

The Federalist: The Nine Worst Unemployment Rates In The Country Are In Areas Run By Democrats

Ann Althouse 

[Kamala Harris] really is too dangerous. She's about to become President, and here she is on her Southeast Asian trip to show off her readiness to become President, and she does not project gravitas or even minimal sincerity. She seems afraid and insecure. The President is supposed to protect us, not require our protection.