Saturday, May 11, 2019

Joe diGenova:

DOJ inspector general has found Carter Page FISA extensions were illegally obtained

Townhall: More Women Have Donated To Trump Than Any Dem Candidate
That time when
Joe Biden Called for 40 Foot High Border Fence
On this day in 1934,

The Dust Bowl Begins

Dust storm sweeps from Great Plains across Eastern states

A million pounds of dust, debris blows into Chicago

Sharyl Attkisson:
The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next.
On this day in 1961,

JFK Sends First U.S. Troops To Start 

Clandestine War In Vietnam

On this day in 1961, Democrat President John F. Kennedy sent 400 Special Forces troops and 100 U.S. military advisors to South Vietnam, and ordered the start of a clandestine war against North Vietnam under the direction of the CIA. 

By the time the Vietnam War was over, 58,000 American boys, most of whom had been drafted and forced to go to Vietnam to fight, had been killed.
The Art of the Deal:
Gilead to donate HIV prevention drug Truvada to 200K uninsured patients

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Hill:
Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election
National Geographic:
A tectonic plate may have peeled apart off the coast of Portugal
Peter Whelan:
What To Know about Gen IV Power
Black, Hispanic Democrats cross party lines on abortion bills, frustrate push to 'codify Roe'
Ken Starr: Mueller’s 'whiny' letter to Barr was ‘unforgivable sin’
Trump administration forces China to sell the Port of Long Beach
On this date in 1954,

The French fall to Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu

Eisenhower rejects U.S. generals' request to drop atomic bombs

New evidence of China's mission to raze the mosques of Xinjiang