Saturday, March 25, 2017

Cure for Sepsis?

But one big problem: it's too simple and cheap

NRO's Andrew McCarthy: Islam and the Jihad in London

"It's not non-western.  It's anti-western."

"The movement does not want cohabitation. It wants conquest. It starts with assimilation-resistant enclaves that nurture sharia supremacism today and thereby breed the jihadists of tomorrow. This week, it took the campaign to Westminster Bridge."

Hoping it ain't so

Dilbert: The Country's Biggest Problem Was Just Solved

Trump Promoted Bigly From Hitler to Incompetent

[I]n the 3D world of persuasion, Trump just had one of the best days any president ever had: He got promoted from Hitler to incompetent. And that promotion effectively defused the Hitler-hallucination bomb that was engineered by the Clinton campaign.

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Federalist:  

How The New York Times Contributed To Ukraine’s ‘Bitter Harvest’ In The 1930s

"Joseph Stalin received great publicity, the New York Times published exclusive interviews with Stalin, and Walter Duranty could live glamorously. Everyone benefitted but starving Ukranians."

"Duranty and his employer simply spread fake news while millions of people were dying. Their role was akin to that of a musical band that knows people in the next room are tortured and murdered, so they play loud music to drown out their screams, thus preventing outsiders from trying to help the victims."

Obama Voter Althouse: "I love the NYT.  I have been reading it for 50 years.  I'm begging it to go straight."

And Original Mike says in the comments: "You are in an abusive relationship and you're the enabler. Isn't there a hot line you can call?"

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Retired law prof Althouse: NYT doesn't care that Obama administration violated rights of surveillance non-targets

More NYT weasel words - count 'em

"[T}o use that opportunity to listen in is a terrible infringement on the non-target, and the law required that these persons be protected. Instead, the leakers did the opposite and took advantage of what they heard and deliberately exposed what they were legally required to mask. Why doesn't the NYT care about this problem!"

The Dems Need to Investigate

The Republicans Turned on Nixon

"Here’s what Democrats and their friends in the media are too shortsighted to recognize: any skullduggery they excuse now will be used against them in the future. Anything that the Obama administration did during the transition can be done by figures in the Trump administration against future Democratic candidates."

We're all better off if this is not true

Will the Dems demand an investigation?

"The intelligence is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump, according to sources."

Recently Widowed Mary Katherine Ham Schools 

Chris "I Got Here on Merit" Cuomo re ObamaCare

Make America Safe Again for the Privileged

Dilbert on CNN Breaking Trump News

Maybe they needed a sixth analyst

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trump transition team surveilled post-election by Obama administration

President Orders Loyalty Tests For All Federal Employees


On this day 60 years ago, Democrat President Harry Truman ordered loyalty tests for all federal employees to flush out all those who were communist sympathizers or aligned with “totalitarian, fascist or subversive” organizations.  Truman’s order demanded “complete and unswerving loyalty” to the United States, with anything less being deemed “a threat to our democratic process.”  Each federal department and agency set up Loyalty Boards to enforce the order.

News Flash

WSJ Hates Trump



On this day in 1991, UW-Madison eliminated men's baseball instead of adding a female sport in order to comply with Title IX .

Would This Be Before Or After They Secede?

Sanctuary Cities Too?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

NYT Decides W Is OK Because ... Hitler

How obvious can this get?

Law Prof Analyzes The Media Coverage of Comey's Testimony

Obama Voter Calls Politico Coverage Fake News

I'm Shocked

"I'm sick of the phony emotionalism. Maybe some Trump haters and media people and establishment politicians are hysterical, but don't project that emotion onto Trump. If you have actual information that Trump and his people are breaking down emotionally, tell me about it in strictly factual terms: What do you know and how do you know it? But don't take a story and imagine how Trump must feel or make up how you WISH Trump would feel and then report it as if it is news. It's fake news!"

Trump Nominates First Indian-American Judge to 6th Circuit

On President's Short List For SCOTUS

Monday, March 20, 2017


Never forget.

On this day in 1965, President Lyndon Johnson ordered federal troops to Alabama to protect a 54 mile civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery led by Rev. Martin Luther King.  The purpose of the march was to protest the intimidation of black voters which had resulted in almost all of the black voters of Selma not being able to register to vote.  Two other marches had started but ended in violence when police attacked the peaceful marchers with dogs, billy clubs and tear gas, all caught by TV cameras and broadcast on the national news shows.  Five months later Congress passed the Voting Rights Act which guaranteed the right of all citizens to vote.

Canadian Hitler/Bigots

Althouse On The Proper Perspective For Sunday Talk Shows

100% Proven Foreign Interference In Our Presidential Election

In 1796 the French government openly campaigned against John Adams for president, because he was pro-British, while campaigning in favor of Thomas Jefferson, because he was pro-French.  The French were upset because George Washington and his Federalist Party had entered into pro-British treaties and had otherwise favored the British with their governing despite the fact that the French had played a critical role in helping defeat the British during the Revolutionary War.  The French government’s campaigning did not work and Adams won the election for president with Jefferson being elected vice president.

“Nothing is older than our habit of calling everything new.”  Mark Twain.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Yea, But Shouldn't Hitler Still Ban Emigres From Here Too?

Because, you know, they're just like Syria, Yemen, et al.

Ivory Toweritis

A Montana Cattle Ranch = Flyover Country?

And about that Nobel prize...

Because No One Is Trying To Find The Others

Illegal voter caught only because she really, really screwed up big time.