Saturday, March 19, 2022

Jonathan Turley 

The War on Free Speech: Politicians and Commentators Label War Critics “Traitors”

William Barr

Suppression of Hunter Biden Laptop Stories ‘Definitely’ Impacted 2020 Election

Jonathan Turley
Pat Buchanan

Margot Cleveland / The Federalist

SpyGate 101: A Primer On The Russia Collusion Hoax’s Years-long Plot To Take Down Trump

The Spies Who Lied

The NYPost contacted the senior ex-intelligence officials who signed the shameful 2020 letter declaring Hunter Biden’s laptop and its emails we ran were Russian disinformation. Not one apologized. Most refused to comment. A few like James Clapper doubled down.

Bill Maher

Howard Kurtz: 

It's “an embarrassment to the media” that they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation based on assertions from former intelligence officials, “many of whom were Democrats,” who “had no firsthand knowledge” to back up their claims.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Jonathan Turley

“Woke Dysphoria” at Concordia Milwaukee? University Suspends Professor After Criticism of Diversity Priorities.

Matt Taibbi

John Podhoretz, You Suck

Neoconservatives think they've been vindicated by Ukraine, and their new Democratic allies agree. On America's most improbable and undeserved political comeback.

"The neocons’ resurgence is one of the great inside plays of all time. A microscopic group of verbose pinheads with zero popular support and an unbroken record of spectacular failure regaining influence this quickly is nothing to sneeze at. But watch: disbelief in “live and let live” politics means they won’t stop with opposing Putin in Ukraine or tweeting the odd accusation of treason. They’ll push for regime change in Moscow and sooner or later seek a more permanent solution to “ingratitude” at home, probably by tearing out the chunks of the constitution they missed the last time. 

Apart from certainty that they belong at the seat of power in a unipolar world, these people have no beliefs, or none they wouldn’t be willing to shed in a heartbeat in order to maintain influence. This makes them repulsive, but hardier than mold. If you didn’t like the first movie, brace yourself. The sequel is here. "

Alex Berenson

We are only beginning to grapple with the damage from lockdowns and vaccine mandates and Covid censorship

For two years, we gave up our freedoms for NOTHING. And the people who took them have not even acknowledged what they did, much less apologized or been held accountable.

American Compass

Wrong Along - The breathtaking hubris of the pro-globalization consensus

American Compass

The Benefits of Globalization Never Materialized While The Disadvantages Did

The problem is not the economist’s oft-repeated disclaimer that trade creates both winners and losers. The problem is that the promised benefits never materialized, while costs dismissed as implausible have proved all too real. Of course, not every problem in the American economy has a connection to globalization, and in few cases is globalization solely to blame. But the era of globalization has coincided closely enough with the onset of precisely those problems that a clear-eyed analyst might have predicted and delivered outcomes sufficiently contrary to the ones its ideologues envisioned, that any jury would return a verdict of guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Michael Shellenberger

The Real Threat to Banks Isn't From Climate Change. It's From Bankers.

And why nuclear saves what late capitalism destroys

The Federalist

Antonio Garcia Martinez: History restarts - Why Fukuyama has always been right

Axios:  Omicron hit little kids hard

Jonathan Turley  

The New York Times Admits Hunter Laptop was Authentic and Possible Basis for Charges

Glenn Greenwald

The NYT Now Admits the Biden Laptop -- Falsely Called "Russian Disinformation" -- is Authentic

The media outlets which spread this lie from ex-CIA officials never retracted their pre-election falsehoods, ones used by Big Tech to censor reporting on the front-runner.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Zero Hedge

Tulsi Gabbard to Mittens Romney: Deliver 'treasonous' evidence or resign

Glenn Greenwald

Romney's "Treason" Smear of Tulsi Gabbard is False and Noxious, But Now Typifies U.S. Discourse

"The Founders limited "treason" in the Constitution due to grave concerns it would be weaponized to criminalize dissent: exactly how the term is now routinely used."
Christopher Bedford

Julie Kelly

Two years ago, Donald Trump made the most catastrophic decision of his presidency, rivaling the worst decision by any US president—taking the advice of Fauci and Birx to shut down the country for 15 days.

Alex Berenson

The Kyrie Irving situation shows the idiocy of COVID and vaccine mandates in one neat package.

 Nature Reviews Microbiology

The comparatively milder infections with the Omicron variant and higher levels of population immunity have raised hopes for a weakening of the pandemic. We argue that the lower severity of Omicron is a coincidence and that ongoing rapid antigenic evolution is likely to produce new variants that may escape immunity and be more severe.

The notion that viruses will evolve to be less virulent to spare their hosts is one of the most persistent myths surrounding pathogen evolution.

Erik Feigl-Ding

China is at a COVID Tipping Point

Matt Taibbi

Orwell Was Right

From free speech to "spheres of influence" to our passion for endless war, we've become the doublethinkers 1984 predicted

There’s a real tragedy unfolding on the other side of the earth. I don’t want to make light of it. But another of 1984’s predictions was a future where war would become a “purely internal affair,” where even when there’s real fighting going on in a faraway land, the real target is always the domestic population, whose memories and doubts and distracting emotional attachments are the real threats and must be constantly policed. It’s all coming true, with forever war and slogans like #CloseTheSky demanding primacy in our thoughts, and we’re asked to forget as patriotic duty. It isn’t. Never give up memories, no matter how hard you’re pushed.   

Alex Berenson

The clearest proof yet of the failure of lockdowns and Zero Covid as a long-term strategy against the coronavirus is now unfolding in Hong Kong