Friday, December 13, 2019

On this day in 1862,


Burnside's orders that his troops attempt 14 times to scale Marye's Heights directly into Confederate fire called "butchery" and "suicide"

Video Summary of Battle

Thursday, December 12, 2019


U.S. District Courts in Hawaii and Seattle, and 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California, issue international injunction blocking Boris Johnson's landslide pro-Brexit win in UK elections.

Zero Hedge
China Downturn Could Last Five Years Warns Central Bank
Clapper admits Trump campaign was spied on
Pigs Fly

Ari Melber/MSNBC: Comey's "Pee Tape" claim unverified, reckless and damaging to those involved

Sen. Graham: 'Mr. Rosenstein, Get Ready to Testify'; Same Goes for Chris Wray
Sharyl Attkisson

Bill Barr's 24 point response to the Horowitz report

Via Althouse

Scott Adams: "Apparently, the reason the quid pro quo and the bribery stuff was taken out of the articles of impeachment is that they could be used against Biden."

Byron York

Of course the FBI spied on the Trump campaign

It even met with (i.e. interviewed) Trump under false circumstances

Mark Levin: Donald Trump ‘The First Jewish President of the United States’

Trump deemed anti-semitic for seeking to ban anti-semitism on campus

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mollie Hemingway

Spygate Intel Abuse Is ‘The Greatest Scandal Of Our Generation’

Dan O'Donnell/The MacIver Institute
Impeachment Dems Learning About The Scott Walker Effect
Liberal Matt Taibbi/Rolling Stone:

‘Corroboration Zero’: An Inspector General’s Report Reveals the Steele Dossier Was Always a Joke

Nolte: Massive Media Fail as Poll of Polls Prove Trump’s More Popular than Obama
Wage Gains: Blue-Collars Beat White-Collars in Donald Trump’s Economy
NYT Opinion blatantly urges Democrats to drop the pretense of principle and patriotism and go all out using impeachment for political advantage.
On this day in 1964,

Sam Cooke Shot and Killed

81 years ago on December, 11, 1938:

Time Magazine Names Hitler Man of the Year (Really)

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

AG William Barr: FBI Falsified Documents to Continue Spying on Trump & Co. After Election

Law Prof Jonathan Turley

The record falls considerably short of proving Trump abused his power and obstructed justice

Law Prof Jonathan Turley

Horowitz report is damning for the FBI and unsettling for the rest of us

AG Barr: FBI acted in “bad faith” (Video)

Top Ukrainian official contradicts key Sonland testimony

Byron York

It's official: The dossier was malarkey

Lindsay Graham (video): "FBI engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the FISA court"
On this day in 1967,

Otis Redding Dies in Lake Monona Plane Crash

The memorable whistling verse in "(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay"

 was an unfinished verse intended to serve only as a placeholder.

(Sittin' on) The Dock of the Bay (official video)

Monday, December 9, 2019

John Solomon

Just how bad was the FBI’s Russia FISA? 51 violations and 9 false statements

Stars and Stripes:

U.S. has spent $133 Billion (so far) in Afghanistan
NBC's Pete Williams (video):

Horowitz Found FISA Application Process Was ‘Screwed Up At Every Level’

FBI director says he's ordering '40 corrective steps' following IG report
National Review

Barr Slams FBI for Surveilling Trump Campaign Based on ‘Thinnest of Suspicions’ In Response to IG Report

Modern day Vietnam Pentagon Papers?

Washington Post: Confidential documents reveal U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan

Statement of Attorney General William Barr

 in response to Horowitz report:

"Nothing is more important than the credibility and integrity of the FBI and the Department of Justice.  That is why we must hold our investigators and prosecutors to the highest ethical and professional standards.  The Inspector General’s investigation has provided critical transparency and accountability, and his work is a credit to the Department of Justice.  I would like to thank the Inspector General and his team.
The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.  It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory.  Nevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration.  In the rush to obtain and maintain FISA surveillance of Trump campaign associates, FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored information negating the reliability of their principal source.  The Inspector General found the explanations given for these actions unsatisfactory.  While most of the misconduct identified by the Inspector General was committed in 2016 and 2017 by a small group of now-former FBI officials, the malfeasance and misfeasance detailed in the Inspector General’s report reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.
FISA is an essential tool for the protection of the safety of the American people.  The Department of Justice and the FBI are committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to rectify the abuses that occurred and to ensure the integrity of the FISA process going forward.
No one is more dismayed about the handling of these FISA applications than Director Wray.  I have full confidence in Director Wray and his team at the FBI, as well as the thousands of dedicated line agents who work tirelessly to protect our country.  I thank the Director for the comprehensive set of proposed reforms he is announcing today, and I look forward to working with him to implement these and any other appropriate measures.
With respect to DOJ personnel discussed in the report, the Department will follow all appropriate processes and procedures, including as to any potential disciplinary action."
U.S. Atty John Dunham:

I told IG Horowitz I do not agree with his report's conclusion that there was a legal predicate for the FBI's spying on the Trump campaign.

Poll: Donald Trump Beating 2020 Democrats in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin

Chuck Todd Actively Prevented Ted Cruz from Detailing Ukraine's 2016 Election Interference

On this day in 1992,

Bush 41 Sends U.S. Troops into Somalian Chaos

Clinton withdraws troops from Somalian chaos 16 months later

Bush 41's address to the Nation.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cliff's Book Notes

The American Revolution 

by Gordon Wood

A short refresher on the American Revolution that produced the Articles of Confederation and the counter-revolution that produced the Constitution.  

Would the Anti-Federalists/Republicans who opposed Madison and Hamilton argue that today’s political divisions were inevitable given the Federalists’ opposition to a more decentralized and democratic form of government?

On this day in 1980,

John Lennon Shot and Killed

NBC Today Show News Coverage