Saturday, May 12, 2018

NYT RINO Brooks: ‘We’re in a Better Situation with North Korea’ – Maybe Trump Understands Thugs Better Than People with Good SAT Scores

Time to Ban Knives:  Another Isis Knife Attack in Paris

American Thinker: Senator Grassley appears to be preparing to bust the frame-up of General Flynn

Another California City Joins Trump Admin in Opposing State's Sanctuary Law
Conrad Black: Why Donald J. Trump is truly a president like no other

WSJ: The FBI’s Shocking Disrespect for Congress

LEONARD PITTS: Why should we bother to ‘understand’ Trump supporters when they’re just a bunch of old white people who’ll die out soon anyway?
That Time in 2008 Whoopi Wondered Whether McCain was Going to Make Her a Slave
Former U.S. Atty Andrew McCarthy: Did the FBI Have a Spy in the Trump Campaign?

Friday, May 11, 2018

Rich Lowry: The National Origin of Immigrants Matters

Kim Strassel/WSJ: It appears the Obama FBI planted a spy in the Trump campaign

Fox News Bans General Who Said Torture Worked on "Songbird John" McCain
On this day in 1961,

JFK Sends First U.S. Troops To Start Clandestine War In Vietnam

On this day in 1961, Democrat President John F. Kennedy sent 400 Special Forces troops and 100 U.S. military advisors to South Vietnam, and ordered the start of a clandestine war against North Vietnam under the direction of the CIA. 
By the time the Vietnam War was over, 58,000 American boys, most of them my age, and who had been drafted and forced to go to Vietnam to fight, had been killed.

Rush: The FBI Planted an Informant in the Trump Campaign