Thursday, February 7, 2019

WSJ: China’s state-owned companies' predatory behavior is becoming a major economic problem

In politics, calls for civility are always bullshit.

Pelosi was "Rude. Out-and-proud assholean."
Alan Dershowitz:

Henry Ford devoted his life to two passions: making cars and demonizing Jews.

Karl Rove/WSJ: The Democrats’ 10 Dreadful Days
Sharyl Attkisson:
Intel operation against Trump still going strong

Milwaukee Police Officer, Two Tour Iraq Veteran and Medal of Valor Recipient, Killed While Serving Warrant

Female genital mutilation is illegal in the US, but thousands of girls are still at risk
Jonathan Turley:
University of Virginia Investigates Fraternity and Sorority For “Cultural Appropriation” Offenses
On this day in 1964, a big deal:


Ed Sullivan Introduces The Beatles At Shea Stadium

Live in Concert

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Study: Illegal immigrants sent to jail at a rate 4 times higher than U.S. citizens

Townhall: Trump's SOTU Pro-Life Comments Strongest Ever

Michael Goodwin:

Trump is right - "Working-class Americans are left to pay the price of illegal immigration.”
Jonathan Turley:

Liz Warren Listed Herself as "American Indian" on Texas Bar Application
On this day in 1820,

First of 15,000 Freed Slaves Sent Back to Africa


Dem Women Stand and Cheer Trump Speech Despite Trying Not To

CNN Poll: SOTU Viewers 59% Trump Approval
CBS Poll: 72 Percent of SOTU Viewers Approve of Trump’s Immigration Stance