Saturday, January 15, 2022

Andrew McCarthy

Seditious Conspiracy Is the Wrong Charge in the Capitol-Riot Prosecutions

Washington Free Beacon

Alex Berenson

The Canadian province of Alberta has censored data showing a huge increase in Covid infections and deaths in people following their first Covid vaccine dose.

Zero Hedge: 

The Great Omicron Sickout: Millions Of Unwell Americans Causing "Hellacious" Worker Shortages

An investigation of available data shows that worldwide professional football / soccer match cardiovascular deaths in 2021 were 300% higher than the 12-year average, with the number of deaths occurring in December 2021 alone equalling the 2009-2020 average.

The Telegraph

Scientists, including Francis Collins, believed Covid had leaked from Wuhan – but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’

WaPo via Althouse:

"National School Boards Association stumbles into politics and is blasted apart/Its leaders compared aggressive school protests to ‘domestic terrorism.’ The backlash was fast and severe"

Friday, January 14, 2022

Just The News

A Wisconsin judge has ruled that the absentee ballot drop boxes widely deployed during the 2020 election are not allowed under state law, a decision that could dramatically impact voting ahead of the swing-state’s elections.

Peggy Noonan

Biden’s Georgia Speech Is a Break Point

He thought he was merely appealing to his base. He might have united the rest of the country against him.

Jonathan Turley

The Oath Keepers indictment does not support the prior allegations of a coordination or collusion with the Trump campaign.

Glenn Greenwald

Senate Democrats Use the Jim Crow Filibuster to Protect the Kremlin

Indeed, few episodes have revealed what utter propagandists and unhinged conspiracy theorists the corporate media are more than the controversy over Nord Stream 2. At exactly the same time these media outlets were insisting that Trump was little more than a treasonous, subservient tool of Putin — controlled through Moscow's blackmail — Trump was doing everything possible to sabotage this pipeline, arguably the most vital interest of Russia (it competes for that title only with Ukraine, which Trump, infuriating the Russians, swamped with lethal arms after Obama largely refused to do so). Trump was threatening, cajoling, and trying to coerce Germany into buying U.S. natural gas rather than from the Russians, arguing that U.S. expenditures on NATO and on Germany's military protection obligated Berlin to buy from the U.S. instead. The Trump administration used sanctions regimes and other tools to prevent completion of that pipeline — an extremely odd act for a Russian-controlled asset, to put it mildly.

Retail sales in the U.S. declined sharply in December, 1.9%, indicating that the worst inflation in decades is hitting consumers harder than analysts expected.

David Bernstein / Volokh Conspiracy

Worst U.S. Inflation is Huge Underestimate

Government's CPI says the cost of shelter rose 4% but housing prices are up 20%


A new experimental nasal spray could prevent people from getting infected with COVID for up to eight hours, every time the spray is used.


Omicron wave prompts media to rethink which data to report

The Associated Press has recently told its editors and reporters to avoid emphasizing case counts in stories about the disease. That means, for example, no more stories focused solely on a particular country or state setting a one-day record for number of cases, because that claim has become unreliable.

Jonathan Turley

Whole Foods is fighting for the right to maintain a workplace free of political slogans or demonstrations.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Cannabis Prevents COVID Infection In Lab Study

CNN’s Jake Tapper (video): “Delaware doesn’t allow the kind of early voting that other states do…How come Democrats only complain about strict voting regulations in red states?”

Larry Summers

We have a serious inflation problem . . . running well ahead of anything seen during the guns and butter Vietnam episode and 50 percent above where it was when Pres Nixon imposed wage price controls.

Bloomberg: EU Warns Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System

Zero Hedge

Alex Berenson: Has even WHO given up on booster shots?

Legal Insurrection

J.D. Vance

Adam Kinzinger is an idiot because he believes "Trump *literally* incited a riot by denouncing the 2020 election process but, meanwhile, a dude caught on camera encouraging hundreds of people to break into the Capitol is a super nice guy."

Rich Lowry / National Review

Biden's Garbage Georgia Speech

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Alex Berenson

Zero Hedge:  

Mass. Wastewater Data Suggests Covid-19 Cases Substantially Higher Than Reported

Derek Thompson / The Atlantic

COVID has always divided Americans. The Omicron wave is even dividing the vaccinated.

To understand how ideologically scrambling the Omicron wave has been, consider this: Some 2022 Democrats are sounding like 2020 Republicans.

Paul Sperry

Cop Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was Cleared of Criminal Wrongdoing Without Interview After Refusing To Provide A Statement

The Federalist

The COVID bureaucracy preaches lies, censors anyone who challenges the lies, and eventually admits the same truths they previously denounced.

Charlie Sykes:  Why RonJon Might Win

Pat Buchanan

Where Does NATO Enlargement End?

It is easy to understand why these nations would want the U.S. obligated to fight on their behalf. What is not understandable is why the U.S. would issue such war guarantees. Why would we commit to risk war with a nuclear-armed Russia on behalf of nations no one has ever regarded as vital interests of the United States of America?

Monday, January 10, 2022

Victor Davis Hanson

What Makes Riots, Conspiracies, Cabals, and Insurrections ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’?

"There is only the left-wing desire through any means necessary to obtain, increase, and use power to alter the Constitution and our long-held traditions and customs of governance, especially when the majority in a constitutional republic opposes such efforts. The lesson then is that all means are justified to obtain morally superior ends—with the caveat that only leftists can be morally superior."

New York Post

Not a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated: The Omicron variant is hitting hardest those who live in states with high vaccination rates — and high rates of masking.

Robert Malone

From Wikipedia:
Ebola, also known as Ebola virus disease (EVD) and Ebola hemorrhagic fever(EHF), is a viral hemorrhagic fever in humans and other primates, caused by ebolaviruses.[1] Symptoms typically start anywhere between two days and three weeks after becoming infected with the virus.[3] The first symptoms are usually feversore throatmuscle pain, and headaches.[1] These are usually followed by vomitingdiarrhoearash and decreased liver and kidney function,[1] at which point, some people begin to bleed both internally and externally.[1] The disease kills between 25% and 90% of those infected—about 50% on average.[1] Death is often due to shock from fluid loss, and typically occurs between six and 16 days after the first symptoms appear.[2]

Luc Montagnier and Jed Rubenfeld/WSJ via Althouse

Omicron Makes Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Obsolete/There is no evidence so far that vaccines are reducing infections from the fast-spreading variant.

Zero Hedge

Heather Mac Donald

Insurrections and Double Standards

Reveling in the anniversary of the Capitol riot, Democrats and the media dubiously brand it a right-wing “insurrection”—while ignoring the urban anarchy that began in May 2020.

The real consequence of January 6 is rather the excuse that the riot gives the Left to go after conservative causes and conservative speech, all in the name of fighting an imaginary white supremacist threat. And to ensure that the pretext remains vital, leaders from Biden on down are peddling distortions and unctuous, newly found patriotism. . .

But the crime and riots that the Democrats alternately tolerate and justify also have the potential to unravel democracy. If law enforcement is delegitimated and hindered from doing its job, if property is not secure, if civilians fear being held up at gunpoint, pistol-whipped, or shot when they enter the public square or even in their homes, then there is no more security and no conditions for prosperity. The George Floyd riots also took aim at the symbols of government—courthouses, prosecutors’ offices, police stations, City Halls, and squad cars. The cop hatred that they amplified has proved far more lethal than the January 6 convulsion. Far more people have participated in the George Floyd riots and in the ongoing assault on law and order than breached the Capitol. The events of January 6, 2021, do not meet any legal definition of “insurrection.” But if Democrats and the mainstream media insist on the term, then the violence of the last two years has also been an insurrectionary force.

Jonathan Turley: Will "Four Pinocchios" Justice Sotomayor Be Banned On Twitter? Don’t Bet On It.

Legal Insurrection:

Mass Formation Psychosis. 

The Madness of Crowds. 

And The End Of Progressive America.

Hope in the midst of despair. But first, things will fall apart, so get ready.

Roger Kimball

Trump in 2024? Maybe

What’s certain is not too many Americans will be willing to hand over the honor of choosing the next president to Liz Cheney and her smug, entitled, and repellent confrères.

There might be some positive good achieved if the Left and the NeverTrump neither-Left-nor-Right were to suspect that they might themselves be the object of the sort of hysteria they have visited upon their opponents. There might be something salutary in making that sort of intimidation reciprocal. It’s worth pondering. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Jonah Goldberg

Transformers: Less Than Meets the Eye

The smartest thing for either party to do is engage in a serious campaign to simply make government do the stuff it’s supposed to do.

The quasi-religious obsession with making government an engine of social transformation is a direct byproduct of the government’s inability or unwillingness to do the simple, normal, work of government. Talking about “transformation,” “making America great,” fighting Frankfurt School Marxism, white supremacy, structural racism, the deep state, and all the other abstract hobgoblins that consume our imaginations is what you get when politicians don’t know—or don’t care—about doing their jobs. 

Sarah Isgur

It's Time to Amend the Constitution

With Congress incapable of legislating, Constitutional amendments are now the country’s best way to tackle its biggest problems.

Dr. Marty Makary

Universities' Covid Policies Defy Science and Reason

Parents and students should challenge dogma with data. 

Robert Malone

Jonathan Turley: Democratic Governor Calls For Criminalizing “Lying” About Election Results

Jonathan Turley

Federal vaccine mandate enters 'major question' land

The major-questions doctrine maintains that courts should not defer to agency statutory interpretations when the underlying questions concern “vast economic or political significance.”

Nathaniel Blake / The Federalist

Why America’s Ruling Class Is So Incompetent