Saturday, August 6, 2022

A measure that would allow San Bernardino County supervisors to explore secession from the state of California could be put to county voters in November.

Alex Berenson

Legal Insurrection

I'm shocked.

CBS Reports documentary, "Arming Ukraine," explores why much of the billions of dollars of military aid that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine doesn't make it to the front lines: "Like 30% of it reaches its final destination."

Todd Bensman

Biden's New Migrant 'Superhighway' Bringing the World from South America to Texas

Biden diplomacy shortens infamous Darien Gap passage and increases access to fast-pass Mexican visas

Dr. Robert MaloneWordle 413 5/6

Is Paxlovid Creating Escape Mutations?

Madison County, North Carolina, is planning to put semi-automatic rifles in each of its six schools heading into the 2022-2023 school year for enhanced security in the case of an active shooter threat.


Brittany Griner, who refused to be present for the American national anthem, will be forced to sing the Russian national anthem every morning at 6:05 a.m. if she goes to prison.

Douglas Murray

Even in victory, Joe Biden seems defeated

It took America’s intelligence agencies almost a quarter of a century to find Zawahiri.

"News of the death of Zawahiri soon became a reminder not of American victory but of American defeat. Had President Biden himself not boasted a year ago that the elementary mission of Afghanistan was long accomplished, and that al-Qaeda was no longer in Afghanistan? He did. So why was the decade-long head of al-Qaeda sitting feet away from the British embassy in Kabul until just under a week ago? Because he felt that it was safe to do so — as many of his allies have also doubtless concluded. Zawahiri was the world’s most wanted terrorist and it took quarter of a century to catch up with him. His death is a victory, certainly. But like so many of this president’s victories, it reminds you of an awful lot of defeat."

New York Post

Putin seems to be banking on a “winter strategy” that as European countries face higher prices to heat their homes, Western resolve will buckle, and Ukraine will be forced to cut a deal on Moscow’s terms.

LifeSite News

Friday, August 5, 2022

Peer Reviewed Study: The vaccine and booster program have ended up doing the opposite of what was intended to do: keeping people from getting sick.

"A team of 19 scientists from the United Kingdom have published new research that helps explain why countries with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing the highest numbers of what they call “breakthrough infections,” as well as reinfection with other variants of COVID-19."

Alex Berenson: The funeral business is doing great and getting better!


Two-Thirds of Great Barrier Reef show highest coral cover seen in 36 years

The Week

A Summary of the Status of the Biggest Battles of the Russo - Ukranian War

Kyiv, Mariupol, Kherson, and other Ukrainian cities have become battlegrounds for the nation's survival

Zelensky Invites China to Rebuild Ukraine

Nellie Bowles / Common Sense via Althouse:

 "U.S. officials are starting to grumble about Ukraine and possible corruption. After months of having Americans bake Ukraine flag cupcakes..."

"... and fly Ukraine’s colors outside our houses, there’s a bit of hedging going on now. The government seems to be soft-rolling it, like in this Thomas Friedman piece: 'Privately, U.S. officials are a lot more concerned about Ukraine’s leadership than they are letting on. There is deep mistrust between the White House and President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine—considerably more than has been reported.' This is, after all, a former Soviet republic full of rent seekers and minigarchs, and you don’t become president without fraternizing with those people, and those people, well, they don’t just go away once you’re in power, and all the Vogue covers in the world can’t whitewash that."

Washington Examiner (Opinion)

Being a sanctuary city is all fun and games until the migrants actually show up

Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Spectator

The great White House replacement

Joe Biden is an errand boy, a figurehead, and he has outlived his plausibility

Washington Times

Cuba cracks down on religious citizens despite constitutional ‘guarantees

William Jacobson / New York Post

Ann Coulter

Actually, Our Culture Is Better

Or: How Pro-Choicers Fell Into a Trap!

"As long as they’re going to keep talking about how hard it is to get an abortion in Ohio, I’m going to keep talking about how hard it is to assimilate the third world to first-world norms about women and children."

1/6 Prisoner Writes Tell-All Letter From Prison About His Experience That Day with the Notorious Operative Ray Epps

Daily Wire

Scientists Congressional Testimony Contradicts Fauci’s Claim That NIH Never Funded Gain-Of-Function Research

Zero Hedge

al-Zawahiri Shredded By Blades Of Non-Explosive "Flying Ginsu" Missile

Did ‘Blue Collar Tough Guy’ John Fetterman Lived off Parents’ Money Until His Mid-40s?

Steve Kornacki / MSNBC (video)

Working class and Hispanic voters are leaving the Democrat party because it is the party of abortion, guns and 1/6 hearings.

[Did anyone mention inflation?]


Tonga's volcano sent tons of water into the stratosphere that could warm the Earth for 5-10 years

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

CDC confirms: Monkeypox can spread by trying on clothing or changing bed sheets

Just The News

Some cases involved voting in two different states or voter impersonation.


The disruption in healthcare services caused by Covid-19 may have led to an estimated 239,000 maternal and child deaths in South Asia, according to a new UN report.

Jonathan Turley 

Is “Inconceivable” Provable? The Justice Department Needs More Than a Vizzini Charge to Prosecute Trump

Lara Logan: They’re Giving Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens at the US Border (VIDEO)

The Spectator

The worldwide working-class counterrevolution

You don’t mess with the people who grow your food

Alex Berenson

New York Post

US missiles take out al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan

Rich Lowry

Manchin’s double talk shows what a counterproductive mess his ‘inflation’ deal is

PJ Media

Joe Manchin Sold His Soul for a West Virginia Pipeline

The Federalist

Liz Cheney’s Coordinated Effort To Prevent Troop Deployment Before Jan. 6

Before Liz Cheney claimed President Donald Trump took no action on the National Guard, she coordinated a campaign to prevent deployment.

Pat Buchanan

Is Taiwan’s Independence Worth War?

Robert Malone

Oxford / Tufts Study:

Common viruses may trigger the onset of Alzheimer's disease

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Jonathan Turley

Justice Thomas’ Withdrawal Exposes The Growing “Unavailability” of Diverse Opinions in Higher Education
Donald Trump: 

Brittney Griner prisoner swap for ‘Merchant of Death’ doesn’t ‘seem like a very good trade’

“She went in there loaded up with drugs into a hostile territory where they’re very vigilant about drugs,” Trump added. “They don’t like drugs. And she got caught. And now we’re supposed to get her out — and she makes, you know, a lot of money, I guess. We’re supposed to get her out for an absolute killer and one of the biggest arms dealers in the world. Killed many Americans. Killed many people.”

Eli Lake / The Spectator

What John Durham has proved

The special counsel exploded a ‘resistance’ myth

New York Post

N.Y. Post: One of Ukraine’s richest men killed after Russian missile hit his home

Jonathan Turley

Harvard Study undercuts 1/6 Committee by finding that protest/riot was not motivated by a desire for insurrection