Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Harvard Harris Poll: 2-in-3 U.S. Voters Say ‘Necessary’ for Trump to Fight China on Trade

Washington Examiner
'Catastrophic decisions': Mattis savages Obama for 'failure' in foreign policy
Pat Buchanan
Who Won, and Who Lost, World War II?
My favorite liberal lesbian Bernie supporter
The students who demand her firing, Camille Paglia argues, take prosperity for granted, are socially undeveloped, and know little about Western history. Who’s Moses?
Another gem from Victor Davis Hanson:

Israel’s Good and Bad New Realities

ACLJ Submits FOIA Request to Expose Former FBI Director James Comey’s “Covert Operation” and Spies in the White House
On this day in 1783,

Treaty of Paris Signed

American Independence Becomes Official

Independence Granted to 13 Original States - Not U.S. Itself

Video summary

Monday, September 2, 2019

Liberal law prof Jonathan Turley
Given the IG's Comey Findings, will WaPo Apologize to Sarah Sanders?

Ronald Reagan
Labor Day, 1980
Statue of Liberty Park

“Let us pledge to each other, with this Great Lady looking on, that we can, and so help us God, we will make America great again.”