Saturday, April 16, 2022

Scott Powell / The Federalist

Jesus Christ’s Resurrection Is Probably The Best-Documented Historical Event Ever

Techno Fog

Durham's CIA Bombshell: The Sussmann data was "user created".

Zero Hedge

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks the New World Order’s so-called “Great Reset” plan for humanity now needs war to try and make it work.

RINO and NYT Columnist David Brooks (video):

David Mamet via Althouse:

"Part of the Left’s outrage at Trump was his refusal to speak in hieratic language.* He’s spent his life buying and selling politicians, negotiating with construction unions, bureaucrats, and The Boys."

"He speaks American, and those of us who also love the language are awed and delighted to hear it from an elected official."

Greg Yudin via Althouse:

"The most important thing to keep in mind is that Russia is a completely depoliticized country. People generally don’t want to have anything in common with politics."

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Peggy Noonan

America’s Most Tumultuous Holy Week

On Palm Sunday, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant. Lincoln was dead by Easter.

Alex Berenson

Alex Berenson

Elon has already won

Matt Taibbi

Twitter's Chickens Come Home to Roost

The Great Elon Musk panic of 2022 is revealing a big fat boatload of blue-check hypocrites
The Hill
Max Boot: 

Jonathan Turley

Robert Reich and other libs go full Orwellian: Less freedom is more freedom.

via Glenn Greenwald

Is the Woke Cultural Agenda of Union Leaders Undermining Support For Unions?

As national support for unions approaches record levels, interviews reveal: a rarefied form of progressive leadership threatens to dampen their appeal among workers.

Mollie Hemingway (video):

FBI Weaponized ‘Ludicrous’ Collusion Hoax To Target Trump

 Quinnipiac Poll

Biden's approval craters at 33%.

Just 26% of independents approve.

Washington Times

Manchin says Biden would be ‘foolish’ not to revive Keystone XL pipeline

W.Va. senator says pipeline is key to ditching Russian oil

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Putin ‘purges’ 150 FSB agents in response to Russia’s botched war with Ukraine

Pat Buchanan

The Ukraine war has demonstrated the vulnerability of not having nukes.

Jonathan Turley 

Biden Is Wrong - The Second Amendment Did Not Prohibit Cannon Ownership in the Early Republic

Jonathan Turley

“The Serpent Beguiled Me”: The Whitmer Prosecution and the Entrapment Defense

"The problem for the jury was that it was hard to keep track of who were culprits and who were cops. While the government announced that it had foiled a large conspiracy, it turned out that most of the conspirators were actually FBI agents."

Victor Davis Hanson

The Debasement of Our Professional and Political Classes

Leftist professionals in politics, government, and private enterprise debased themselves for short-term political gain, or in furor at their bogeyman Trump, or in anger at the unwashed. 

Matt Taibbi

Give War A Chance

More and more, we're told outright war isn't just necessary and right, but the thing that will solve America's existential problems
Rick Santelli (video)


Monday, April 11, 2022

The Federalist

Chicago Tribune Editorial: The Michigan Avenue crisis is getting worse


New Study Blows up Those Dem Talking Points on Which States Dealt the Best With COVID


Miranda Devine / New York Post

If the grand jury in Delaware investigating Hunter Biden’s business ventures does its job properly, it will be pulling on the threads that lead to the president, and already there are signs that is happening.

Jonathan Turley: “Decolonising Math”: Durham University Asks Professors to Consider the Race of Mathematicians Before Relying on their Work

Harvard Law Prof Noah Feldman

If colleges still thought there was little risk in taking up their students’ causes, they should reconsider in light of what has happened to Oberlin College. An Ohio appeals court has upheld $30 million-plus in damages in a lawsuit against the school brought by a local bakery that was falsely accused by the school's students of a history of racial profiling.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Julie Kelly: FBI Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Caper Was Flagrant Election Interference

Two Buffalo Police officers who knocked a 75-year-old protester to the ground, causing him to suffer a head injury during a 2020 protest and drawing national criticism, were cleared of wrongdoing by an arbitrator.

The war in Ukraine has already changed the world

Russia’s war has upended decades-old policies and alliances. 

Jonathan Turley 

The Stanley Kowalski Defense: Durham Seeks to Force the Clinton Campaign and DNC to Turn Over Evidence in Sussmann Case

Alex Berenson

Infectious disease researchers kill people (Part II)

Pat Buchanan: The sooner the Ukraine war ends, the better for the U.S. and its friends

Legal Insurrection

Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson i opposed to Biden's border policy and says it is politically unsustainable.

Jonathan Turley

“Doth Protest Too Much”? The University of Wisconsin Delays Free Speech Survey

Former Wisconsin Law Professor Ann Althouse has objected that the university is now “censoring the censorship survey.”

Zero Hedge

Jonathan Turley

Linkedin Disables Air Force Vet’s Account After Criticizing Loan Forgiveness