Saturday, July 10, 2021

Ed West

The West’s cultural revolution is over

The return of censorship, speech codes and taboos suggests society returning to normal

Drought, worst in history, hits Summit County ranchers

“We’ve been at this 80 years, but this one’s a little different,” ranchers say

Jason Whitlock:

The Washington Post, Racial Maddow, and CNN 

are bigger problems for black people than Tucker Carlson

Under the guise of combating racism, black people are being asked to turn their backs on Jesus and their country. It has to stop. Black people must recognize that their white political overseers are using allegations of racism to disconnect them from Jesus, their country, and the truth. We, black people, have been programmed to view the world through a racial lens rather than a Christian lens. We foolishly think our racial biases are perfectly acceptable and white people's are unforgivable.

Martyr Made:

How Trump voters formed an ugly—and accurate—

view of America’s ruling regime.

Trump voters . . . are absolutely right that their government is monopolized by a Regime that believes they are beneath representation, and will observe no limits to keep them getting it. Trump fans should be happy he lost. It might’ve kept him alive. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Glenn Reynolds:

Dems are losing the multiracial working class on basic lifestyle issues

New York Post: Is the Delta variant less dangerous than hyped?

Jonathan Turley

Can Bill Cosby prevail in a wrongful conviction suit after his wrongful conviction?

NYT, Ross Douthat:

The Excesses of Antiracist Education

Washington Times

Conan O’Brien, Sean Penn blast ‘ludicrous’ cancel culture: ‘It feels very Soviet’

The Federalist:

Check Out All The Blue Check Morons Who Swore The Corrupt Intel Community Would Never Spy On Tucker Carlson

Jonathan Turley:

The Rising Generation of Censors: Law Schools are the Latest Battleground Over Free Speech

Stephen Kruiser

GOP Should Embrace Being the 'Barstool Sports' Party

American Greatness

"Donald Trump became the political vehicle for the American people’s resentment of an overweening, corrupt ruling class. Trump’s invaluable contribution to the Republic was to lead Americans publicly to disrespect that class." 

I Could Lose Everything After ‘Devastating’ End to 8-Year Court Battle Over Same-Sex Wedding, Washington Florist Says

Breakfast with J.D. Vance, Anti-Trump Author Turned Pro-Trump Candidate

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Jonathan Turley on the political nature of the Trump Organization indictments:

"If prosecuting untaxed perks was really a focus of these offices, they would have to frog march half of Manhattan to the hoosegow."

Charlie Hurt: Bigots segregate America on Independence Day

Jonathan Turley: French Comedian Sentenced to Prison for “Public Insult of an Antisemitic Nature”

Victor Davis Hanson

The Genesis of Our American Collective Meltdown

Microbes living in your gut could play a key role in supporting the formation of new nerve cells in the adult brain, with the potential to possibly prevent memory loss in old age and help to repair and renew nerve cells after injury

Babylon Bee

New Evidence Indicates Critical Race Theory Escaped From A Lab In A College Humanities Department

Monday, July 5, 2021

Jonathan Turley

“It’s not about politics.” New York prosecutor Carey Dunne’s words were repeated like a mantra after this week’s indictment of the Trump Organization and its financial chief, Allen Weisselberg. The problem is that it is manifestly untrue.

Glenn Greenwald

The idea that the Kremlin seized control of the levers of American power was as batshit and deranged a conspiracy theory as anything you'll find on Q Anon. It just doesn't seem that way to those who spread it because all their friends who they think are smart were repeating it.

Jonathan Turley


Dems fear that virus lab leak theory investigation might bolster Trump is antithetical to a commitment to science

WaPo/ABC Poll: Majority of Americans Disapprove of Joe Biden’s Open Border

Via Althouse

‘Woke’ culture war is biggest dividing line among voters

"Woke begets woke. It’s a narrative that Labour is promoting now but the Conservatives will pick it up as a reaction. The damage and the consequences of that chasm is awful. When you have decided that your country is institutionally racist and discriminatory you don’t normally go back.... I’m seeing things that you are going to see six months to a year from now. It’s already done significant damage to our system in the United States. It prioritises equality over meritocracy. We’re becoming intolerant of tolerance.... We are writing each other off and out of our lives. The damage and the consequences of that chasm is awful. The consequences are so significant, less cooperation, less compromise, more negativity."

New York Times

A Fourth of July Symbol of Unity That May No Longer Unite