Saturday, January 22, 2022

J. D. Rucker

Bari Weiss (video)

Our response to COVID will be remembered by the younger generation as a great moral crime.

Bill Maher (video)

50 years from now people will look back and be appalled at how we reacted to COVID

Aaron Rodgers blasts Biden about his pandemic of the unvaccinated lie:

‘When In Human History 

Have the Censors Been Correct?’

“When in the course of human history has the side that’s doing the censoring and trying to shut people up and make them show papers and marginalize a part of the community ever been [the correct side]?” Rodgers asks. “We’re censoring dissenting opinions? What are we trying to do? Save people from being able to determine the validity on their own or to listen and to think about things and come to their own conclusion? Freedom of speech is dangerous now if it doesn’t align with the mainstream narrative? That’s, I think first and foremost, what I wanted people to understand, and what people should understand is that there’s censorship in this country going on right now.”

“Are they censoring terrorists or pedophiles? Criminals who have Twitter profiles? No, they’re censoring people, and they’re shadow-banning people who have dissenting opinions about vaccines. Why is that? Is that because Pfizer cleared $33 billion last year and Big Pharma has more lobbyists in Washington than senators and representatives combined? Why is the reason? Either way, if you want to be an open-minded person, you should hear both sides, which is why I listen to people like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough. I have people on the other side as well. I read stuff on the vaccine-hesitancy side, and I read stuff on the vaccines-are-the-greatest-thing-in-the-world side.”

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Matt Taibbi

Joe Biden's Awesome First Year

To win an exhausted nation's admiration, all Joe Biden had to do was nothing. Instead, he's burning future votes like kindling.

Jonathan Turley

The other 'Big Lie:' How Biden and Democrats fuel doubts about the 2024 election

CNN's John King

“It is striking to hear a president not named Donald Trump raise questions about the legitimacy and sanctity of our democracy.”

Legal Insurrection

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

e.g. when Democrats lose?

Glenn Greenwald

Congress's 1/6 Committee Claims Absolute Power as it Investigates Citizens With No Judicial Limits

The Committee plotted with JPMorgan and its lawyer, former Obama AG Loretta Lynch, to obtain a citizen's financial records with no possibility of judicial review.

Ninth Circuit panel holds gun shop closures during pandemic violated 2nd Amendment

Biden approval numbers under water even in wacko California

Joe Scarborough

Putin and Xi and our NATO allies “see Joe Biden as weak. Yesterday’s press conference did not help.”

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Monday, January 17, 2022

Dr. Martin Luther King Opposed Abortion: 

“Don’t Sacrifice Children for Personal Comfort”

Up to 65% Increase in Deaths Among 18-49 Year Olds in the U.S. During 2021,

Andrew McCarthy (video): 

The FBI botched the public messaging regarding the Texas synagogue hostage taker

Novak Djokovic first professional athlete in history to be banned for not taking drugs.

Alex Berenson: Israeli study shows 4th vaccine shot ineffective against Omicron

Scott Gottlieb 

An important new study from a top academic team may explain some of the neurological phenomena that have been observed to be associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Flash study results: Omicron contagious even during asymptomatic stage

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Pierre Kory: Will the Omicron Wave Carry Us Onto Endemic Beach By March?

"Where can I start? Well, when you have the chief reporter on the beat of COVID for The NY Times talking about how questioning or pursuing the question of the lab leak is racist, the world has gone mad. When you're not able to say out loud and in public there are differences between men and women, the world has gone mad. When we’re not allowed to acknowledge that rioting is rioting and it is bad and that silence is not violence, but violence is violence, the world has gone mad," Weiss said. When you're not able to say the Hunter Biden laptop is a story worth pursuing, the world has gone mad. When, in the name of progress, young school children, as young as kindergarten, are being separated in public schools because of their race, and that is called progress instead of segregation, the world has gone mad. There are dozens of examples." "People who work at networks, frankly, like the one I'm speaking on right now, to say it was racist to investigate the lab leak theory," Weiss said. "But you and I both know that it would be delusional to claim otherwise that touching your finger to an increasing number of subjects that have been deemed third rail by the mainstream institutions and increasingly by some of the tech companies will lead to reputational damage, perhaps you losing your job, your children sometimes being demonized as well, so what happens is a kind of internal self-censorship."

Benjamin Harnwell

Has a New “Xi’an City” COVID Variant with Ebola-like Symptoms Escaped China?

Bjorn Lomborg

Hurricanes in 2021 were unprecedented — as in 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝗳𝗲𝘄.

Globally, 2021 had the fewest hurricanes 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 in the satellite era (1980-2021)

The Spectator: Austria is becoming a nightmare for the unvaccinated