Monday, June 6, 2022

Daniel Horowitz

The vaccine is vaccinating against immunity, not the virus

As you can see, just one out of the 353 new hospitalizations over the preceding 14 days in Australia’s largest state was unvaccinated, where the patient’s vaccination status was known. Shockingly, 72.5% of the hospitalizations were among those with three or more shots. Again, we’ve seen the negative efficacy for contracting COVID for months, but we were told the protection against serious illness was still robust. According to these numbers, there does not appear to be any benefit, especially for the elderly people who need that protection the most. Moreover, 64 of the 96 new COVID deaths where the vaccination status was known were among those with three or more shots. Without age-stratified rates, we cannot conclusively prove negative efficacy against serious illness just from this data alone, but what is clear is that vaccination does not offer much protection, if any, and that’s before factoring in all of the risks and side effects.

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