Friday, August 31, 2018

Man Who Ripped MAGA Hat Off Teen’s Head Indicted by Grand Jury
Who'da thunk it?

Two Years Later, the Elites Are Still Disconnected From Voters

"Elites simply don’t understand these voters and find their voting behavior unfathomable because they rarely really interact with them, socialize with them, and, most important, listen to them. And people know it. To quote one voter’s attitude toward elites: “They think that because they’re [so] smart, that their opinion matters more than yours, because you’re not as smart as them.”

Frankly, Washington ought to remember that there is an America west of the Hudson and east of the San Andreas Fault, and for people there, dealing with getting by paycheck to paycheck is a bigger priority than the political spat of the week or the latest media preoccupation.

People’s views of elites isn’t a passing fad. It is an existential threat to government, political parties, the media and even business and academia, because people are fundamentally questioning the motivations and usefulness of so-called experts."

He finally gets it.

Rubio: When It Comes to Public Policy Priorities, There Is ‘Enormous Gap’ Between Elites, Everyday People

Don't tell the Fake News:

John McCain was the 3rd Least Liked Senator

Thursday, August 30, 2018


"WaPo is so full of anti-Trump headlines that I should have inferred that it was NOT a Trump thing, since if it were, WaPo would have put that in the headline."

On this day in 1967,

Thurgood Marshall Confirmed As First African-American Justice of Supreme Court

Marshall began as a civil rights lawyer who fought against long odds for his race:
[T] he great achievement of Marshall's career as a civil-rights lawyer was his victory in the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of a group of black parents in Topeka, Kansas on behalf of their children forced to attend all-black segregated schools. Through Brown v. Board, one of the most important cases of the 20th century, Marshall challenged head-on the legal underpinning of racial segregation, the doctrine of "separate but equal" established by the 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson.
On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," and therefore racial segregation of public schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. While enforcement of the Court's ruling proved to be uneven and painfully slow, Brown v. Board provided the legal foundation, and much of the inspiration, for the American Civil Rights Movement that unfolded over the next decade. At the same time, the case established Marshall as one of the most successful and prominent lawyers in America.
Much more here with his biography

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The man who presaged Trumpism, Pat Buchanan:

John McCain has left the U.S. more vulnerable to wars it doesn't need

Mollie Hemingway,


Is there anyone left who didn't other than Donald Trump?

50 years ago today,

"The Whole World Is Watching"

The Chicago "Police Riot"* v. The  Democratic Convention Vietnam War Protestors

(*The report of ILL Gov. Walker officially concluded the Vietnam war protestors were victims of a "police riot".)
On this day 55 years ago,

Martin Luther King Delivered His

 "I Have A Dream" Speech

Well worth your time
On this day in 1955,

14 Year Old Emmett Till Killed - 

Murderers Acquitted

Fifth Grade Boy Punished for Calling Teacher ‘Ma’am’

Althouse Warns Elitist Trump Haters: The Deplorables Can Hear You

Here's a short list of all the negative things the libs and media said about John McCain in 2008

Gen. Wesley Clark: 

“That large squadron in the Navy [McCain] commanded — that wasn’t a wartime squadron,” Clark said, adding, “I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”