Friday, April 8, 2022

Life News

Christian and conservative organizations raised alarms this week about a potential new pro-abortion mandate from the Biden administration that could shut down Christian health care throughout the U.S.

College freshman to Brian Stelter:

“With mainstream corporate journalists becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the regime, is it time to finally declare that the canon of journalistic ethics is dead or no longer operative?"

Washington Examiner:

Whitmer kidnapping trial collapses: Two not guilty, two walk free after mistrial - FBI takes big hit

Steve Kornacki (video)

Hispanics are moving toward the Republican Party and fast

President Biden, the architect of Clarence Thomas's "high tech lynching" confirmation hearings, complains about his court nominee's treatment.

Babylon Bee

Liberals outraged to learn 10% of Twitter now owned by an African American

Zero Hedge

Monday, April 4, 2022

Clay Travis

One year ago the CDC director told you that if you got the covid shot you would neither get nor spread covid. By the fall, they will be on fifth shots. And you will still get able to get and spread covid even after five shots (video).

Matt Taibbi

Alex Berenson

Infectious disease researchers kill people.

Part I.

They kill by accident and on purpose. With smallpox and anthrax. In the US and UK and USSR. China too. No wonder Tony Fauci doesn’t want anyone looking too hard at the origins of Sars-Cov-2.
Psychology Today

Why Kids Are Suffering

Our society of "safetyism" prevents young people from satisfying three crucial human needs, the needs to experience autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Tulsi Gabbard

All schools should focus on "Reading, writing, arithmetic, and history" rather than sexual orientation and gender - at any age.

Victor Davis Hanson

The Nihilism of the Left

In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it. 

"In a sane world, Biden would have been impeached for deliberately destroying the very federal laws he swore to uphold."

Jonathan Turley: 

NBC’s Todd Interviews Clinton Without Asking About FEC Fine on Steele Dossier

Zero Hedge: German Retailers To Increase Food Prices By 20-50% On Monday

Zero Hedge

"A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn't Grasped Yet" - Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities

Dr. Marty Makary

FDA Shuts Out Its Own Experts in Authorizing Another Vaccine Booster

Decisions like this only reinforce the perception that Covid policy is driven by groupthink and politics.