Saturday, August 15, 2020

On this day in 1969 (in the middle of a pandemic):

The Woodstock Music Festival Begins

On this day in 1969, the Woodstock Music Festival opened in Bethel, New York.  The festival originally was going to be held in Woodstock, N.Y., 50 miles away, but was denied the necessary permits.  On the verge of being canceled, dairy farmer Max Yasgur offered his Bethel farm. 
The purpose of the festival was to raise money to build a recording studio, etc. near Woodstock, which Bob Dylan and others considered their home base.  
Despite the inexperience of the promoters, they were able to attract top acts, including Jefferson Airplane, The Who, the Grateful Dead, Sly and the Family Stone, Janis Jopin, Jimi Hendrix, and Creedence Clearwater Revival, among others.  
The festival opened with little-known Richie Havens, who put on a three hour show because the next acts were late in arriving given traffic jams all around the farm.  Havens’ performance rocketed him to stardom.  Others followed with career-performances, including Joe Cocker and Jimi Hendrix. 
The festival was supposed to attract 50,000 people but ended up with about 500,000 “hippies” engaging in a love fest with few incidents of misbehavior.
Despite all the “love,” Woodstock was a financial flop that nearly bankrupted its promoters until a documentary film became a hit in theaters across the country a few months later.
This Day In History

"WaPo News Coverage: Whatever happened, it's bad for Trump, and it's important to the extent that it's bad for Trump."

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Feds say Yale discriminates against Asian, white applicants
Obama/Hillary Voter Ann Althouse:

Biden's Repetition of Charlottesville Lie is Disqualifying and Intended to Create Racial Division

On this day in 1961,



Mr. Allsop Video History

On this day in 1961, East German soldiers began laying down 100 miles of barbed wire to keep East Germans from leaving for the West.  Following Russia’s unsuccessful blockade of Berlin, between 2.5 million and 3 million East Germans left the country.  By 1961, about 1,000 East Germans a day were fleeing the country.

Within months, the barbed wire was converted to a six-foot-high, 96-mile-long wall of concrete blocks, complete with guard towers, machine gun posts and searchlights. 

Berliners were outraged and many, including Berlin mayor Willi Brandt, blamed the United States for allowing the wall to be built.

From 1961 to 1989, a total of 5,000 East Germans escaped.  About 1,000 died trying.  High profile shootings of some would-be defectors were seen on the evening news and intensified the Western world’s hatred of the Wall.

The Berlin Wall “fell” on November 9, 1989, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union.  On October 3, 1990, East Germany and West Germany agreed to combine into one country.
On this day in 1948,

Despite Foul Weather,

 U.S., Britain Airlift Record Supplies Into Berlin 

After Russian Blockade

American Airlines video "Airlift to Berlin"

On this day in 1948, 7,000 U.S. and British planes airlifted a record 5,000 tons of supplies despite awful weather into the sections of Berlin under their control following Russia’s blockade of the city beginning June 24.  Airlifts continued until the blockade ended May 12, 1949.

Ed Yardeni: Another Roaring Twenties May Be Ahead
Zero Hedge:

Dr. Fauci Confirms "No Reason We Can't Have In-Person Voting"

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

On this day in 1984,

President Reagan Jokes During Mic Check

 that Bombing of Russia Will Start in 5 Minutes

Video: NBC Retrospective

On this day in 1984, Ronald Reagan joked during a sound check prior to his weekly radio address, “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”  

The media (local and foreign), Democrats, prissies, and other humorless elitists went apoplectic:
In Paris, a leading newspaper expressed its dismay, and stated that only trained psychologists could know whether Reagan’s remarks were “a statement of repressed desire or the exorcism of a dreaded phantom.” A Dutch news service remarked, “Hopefully, the man tests his missiles more carefully.” Other foreign newspapers and news services called Reagan “an irresponsible old man,” and declared that his comments were “totally unbecoming” for a man in his position. In the Soviet Union, commentators had a field day with Reagan’s joke. One stated, “It is said that a person’s level of humor reflects the level of his thinking. If so, aren’t one and the other too low for the president of a great country?” Another said, “We would not be wasting time on this unfortunate joke if it did not reflect once again the fixed idea that haunts the master of the White House.”

On this day in 1965, 55 years ago:


34 dead, 1,032 injured, 4,000 arrested, $40 million damage

14,000 National Guard Troops Required To Restore Order

Video footage of riot and aftermath

On this day in 1964, five days of rioting started in the predominantly black Watts neighborhood of South Central Los Angeles after two white policemen stopped a black motorist suspected of drunken driving. The rioters eventually ranged over a 50-square-mile area looting stores, torching buildings, and beating whites as snipers fired at police and firefighters. The National Guard had to be called in to restore order.  The rioting left 34 dead, 1,032 injured, nearly 4,000 arrested, and $40 million worth of property destroyed. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Kanye West's presidential run platform with supporting verses from the Bible:

Creating a Culture of Life

1. Restore faith and revive our Constitutional commitment to freedom of religion and the free exercise of one’s faith, demonstrated by restoring prayer in the classroom including spiritual foundations.

    We will not hide the truth from our children, but will declare to the next generation His praises and wonder. Psalm 78:4

    2. Restore the sound national economy. Reduce household debt and student loan debt.

      God has plans to give us hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

      3. Provide leadership to restructure our country’s education system to serve the most at-risk and vulnerable populations allowing the widest possible range of educational and vocational paths to job opportunities and career success.

        Direct your children on the right path. Proverbs 22:6

        4. Maintain a strong national defense, fully prepared, but not so quick to tie up our country’s young men and women in foreign quagmires that do not advance our national interest, and which last for decades.

          Through God we shall do valiantly. Psalm 60:12

          5. Reform the legal system to provide true justice, equitable for all citizens, regardless of race or ability to defend oneself in court. Recognize the disparity in verdicts and prison sentences, caused by the lack of financial resources or legal assistance.

            There will not be differing weights and differing measures. Proverbs 20:10

            6. Reform the approach to policing in a manner that treats all Americans the same, regardless of race, color, or ethnicity. Refocus police forces on real crime. Eliminate federal sentencing guidelines that tie the hands of judges, resulting in ridiculous sentences for the most minor offenses.

              We will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Proverbs 31:8

              7. Take care of the environment, diligently pursuing clean air and water as a national security priority and making renewables top priority.

                The past is forgotten and everything can be new 2 Corinthians 5:17

                8. Ensure that we always place Americans’ best interest first and foremost in dealing with foreign affairs. We must project strength, not aggression. We want trust, but we must also verify. We want fair trade, not one-sided deals that hurt American workers.

                  Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.Matthew 5:9

                  9. Support faith-based groups to provide vital local services, giving communities a shared purpose in government.

                    We will provide ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works Hebrews 10:24

                    10. Creativity and the Arts can be an important source of innovation and development of other national strengths and resources.

                      He has given them skill in all kinds of work done. Exodus 35:35

                      Daily Signal:
                      “American adults who follow three rules—finish high school; get a full-time job; and wait until at least age 21 to get married and have children—have a 2% chance of being poor and a 75% chance of being a middle-class wage earner.”
                      The ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union Offices for Third Time, Light It On Fire… Again
                      On this day in 1945,

                      U.S. Drops 2nd Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki

                      60-80,000 Killed

                      Many Vaporized

                      (Video showing the effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings)

                      On this day in 1945, the U.S. dropped a second atom bomb on Japan at Nagasaki, forcing Japan’s unconditional surrender.  Somewhere between 60,000 and 80,000 people were killed, with exact figures impossible to determine because so many bodies were virtually vaporized.

                      Although the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were devastating, the “fire-bombing” of Tokyo the prior March was worse, resulting in 100,000 deaths, a million homeless, and 16 square miles of complete desolation.