Saturday, November 27, 2021

Taking Tylenol has surprising negative consequences

PJ Media

Whose Land Did Native Americans Steal Before Europeans Stole It From Them?

 Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease From COVID-19: Stud

PJ Media - The Great Resignation: 4.4 Million People Quit Their Jobs in September

Don Surber:  Erasing the Waukesha Massacre in real time

Glenn Greenwald

The Cynical and Dangerous Weaponization 

of the "White Supremacist" Label

In dominant elite discourse, no evidence is needed to brand someone a "white supremacist." 

The belief that it will produce political or personal gain suffices.

The term is still needed as a tool to fight actual racism, but those who most vocally and flamboyantly proclaim themselves solemnly devoted to that cause have rendered that tool virtually useless, thanks to their self-interested misuse and abuse of it.

Julie Kelly

Newsletter Peddlers Offended By Real Journalism Quit

Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg, despite their promise to provide “fact-based reporting and commentary . . . informed by conservative principles,” are not interested in the truth. 

They are invertebrate frauds who got ahead of their imminent firings by swindling an all-too-eager corporate media system into believing they, not Tucker Carlson, hold the moral high ground and fealty to facts. 

Hayes and Goldberg now end their careers at Fox as washed-up has-beens, slinking off into a political Siberia where their only future relevance will be to serve as a cautionary tale on how to squander what little talent or connections one ever had to take a parting shot at a far more influential rival while giving cover to an abusive regime hellbent on destroying the audience that helped elevate them to fame.

Former Pro Calls For "Investigation" After Another Soccer Player Suddenly Collapses

"[T]here has been a “5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021.”

COVID Travel Bans Okay Now!

Friday, November 26, 2021

WSJ Editorial Board

Biden’s Covid Death Milestone

More Americans have died of the virus in 2021 than in all of 2020.

"It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating Covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies, and more clinical experience."

Glenn Harlan Reynolds / New York Post

A common thread in Waukesha tragedy, Kenosha shootings: Government failure

When is a racial hate crime not a racial hate crime? 

When it doesn’t advance the left’s, and the Democrats’, narrative.
When white teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot three white men who were violently assaulting him, it somehow got treated by the press and politicians as a racial hate crime. President Joe Biden (falsely) called Rittenhouse a white supremacist, and the discussion of his case was so focused on racial issues that many Americans mistakenly thought that the three men Rittenhouse shot were black.

But when a black man, Darrell Brooks, with a long history of posting hateful anti-white rhetoric on social media drove a car into a mostly white Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring dozens, the press was eager to wish the story away. (The New York Times buried it on page A22.) Even when a Black Lives Matter activist connected it to the Rittenhouse verdict, observing “it sounds like the revolution has started,” the media generally downplayed it.

American Thinker

Destroying Democracy by ‘Saving Democracy’

Town Hall: The Politics of Weaponized Car Attacks

Axios - Scoop: Biden restarting Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy

Legal Insurrection

Southern almost all-white jury convicts three white southerners of killing black man

Matt Taibbi

Thanksgiving is awesome!  

In the space of a generation America has gone from being a country brimming with undeserved over-confidence, to one whose intellectual culture has turned into an agonizing, apparently interminable run of performative self-flagellation. . . 

But the historical self-mortification has gotten out of hand. American exceptionalism used to mean 300 million yahoos being so convinced they were a unique force for good in the world that history before 1776 was irrelevant. We’re now living through the moronic inverse: America is such a unique evil, we’re told, so much the standard-bearer for the oppression of innocent peoples everywhere, that human suffering before 1776 is hardly worth mentioning. Or before 1492, as it were, since a lot of the current fashion stems from our pseudo-intellectual class being unable suddenly to handle the revelations of one decades-old book.

 CNN reluctantly admits:

"Of the more than 360,000 participants studied over a period of 10 to 14 years, those who drank two to three cups of coffee... a day, had the lowest risk of stroke and dementia."

Alan Dershowitz

"Trials and justice have ceased to be about individual justice," famed law professor says. "They're about identity politics."

PJ Media

Hey, Mainstream Media, Call It What It Is: The #WaukeshaMassacre

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


The Lack of a Motive in the Waukesha Mass Murder Case Points to a Motive

Bret Stephens/NYT via Althouse

Can Liberals Survive Progressivism?

"Last year’s protests often devolved into naked criminality, to which many progressives, including those in the news media, closed their eyes...notoriously including those 'fiery but mostly peaceful protests' in Kenosha, Wis. Opportunities for thoughtful police and justice-system reform were squandered in the rush to defame, defund, diminish or abolish. It may be that serious urban leaders like incoming mayor Eric Adams of New York can reverse the trend.... But progressive misgovernance has now tattooed the words 'soft on crime' on Democratic necks, and the country has noticed. It will take years to erase. And who has been helped the most by all this, politically speaking? Donald Trump and his mini-mes. The country won’t be safe from them until a more serious Democratic Party can set itself free from ideas that embarrass it and endanger us all."

Matt Taibbi

21st-century American political culture has become an ever-widening suckhole of cringe

Jonathan Turley

What Elephant? The Media Again Buries A Hunter Biden Scandal on Foreign Deals During the Biden Vice Presidency

[T]he disclosure of Biden’s role in securing one of the world’s largest cobalt mines for China (a key component to electric battery production) has been ignored by the major networks and many other print outlets.  Once again, ABC. NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and other media just cannot see the elephant.

Ben Shapiro

Reality Always Wins

Reality with regard to criminality isn't all that complicated: when you free criminals unjustifiably in a misguided attempt to achieve "group equity," innocents suffer. When you take cops off the street, freeing criminals to work their will, innocents suffer. When you refuse to prosecute crime, criminals spot an opportunity.

Voters can either continue to deny reality and pay the price, or they can wake up to the simple fact that reality always wins. Until they do the latter, the criminals – and the politicians who enable them – will be the only winners.

Legal Insurrection

Former NYT reporter says paper delayed article about damage done to local minority population by the Kenosha riots until after presidential election.

Former U.S. Atty Andrew McCarthy

Progressive Prosecutor Project Strikes Again 

(in Waukesha)

Progressive prosecutors always have the courage of their convictions as long as they’re just gasbagging about their lofty aspirations for society . . . which is to say, right up until their abstractions about “equity,” “systemic racism,” and the need to “reform” our “broken system” crash into the reality of violent, recidivist crime that destroys the lives of flesh-and-blood Americans.

Charlie Hurt

Kyle Rittenhouse Exercised God-Given Rights When Attacked by Lawless Vigilantes

The eternal question of our time: Are the media evil or stupid?

The case of Kyle Rittenhouse is the latest example to expose the dishonesty and/or stupidity of the media in America today. Every step of that tragedy was encouraged, poisoned, hyped, or distorted by the media.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

PJ Media - BLM activist tells Waukesha supporters: 'It Sounds Like the Revolution Has Started'

Jesse Kelly

If you’d like to know why statues matter to the communists and why you shouldn’t grab your ankles when they point out a military base named after a Confederate general, do some reading on Mao’s Cultural Revolution. It will explain WHY they do it. (HINT: It’s not about slavery.)

Techno Fog

They Washed the Blood off the Streets

Top-down revolutions and deaths in Waukesha

Via Althouse

"You get to post bail after driving your SUV over your child's mother??? What about the deterrent of keeping a crazy man in jail pending trial? It couldn't have made the woman he ran over feel safer knowing this crazy man was out o[n] bail. A thousand dollars? Life is cheap in Wisconsin."

Toronto District School Board superintendent vetoes student book event with Yazidi activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad because her memoir about being captured and sexually enslaved by Islamic State terrorists “would foster Islamophobia.”

Pat Buchanan: Playing with Fire on Russia's Borders

Monday, November 22, 2021

Liberal retired UW law prof, Ann Althouse:

"The government — in failing to maintain order in Kenosha — deserves blame for the Kyle Rittenhouse incident."

"Evers is at fault and so is the leadership of Kenosha."

Alex Berenson

If you like heart problems, you'll love the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines

So says a report on almost 600 patients presented last week at the American Heart Association's annual conference

Jonathan Turley

Rittenhouse Revisited: How Media Misinformation Can Fuel Social Unrest

Dr. Marty Makary

We need to disseminate evidence on effective therapeutics better! Many docs I talk to don't know that fluvoxamine (prozac) reduced Covid deaths by 91% ( Now another study observed a 28% reduction. Yet it's rarely prescribed

Armed, black father-daughter duo march alongside anti-Rittenhouse protesters — to protect them

Glenn Greenwald

Two of the most vocal and unhinged advocates of the first War on Terror - Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes -just quit Fox News (where nobody knew they worked) in protest over Tucker Carlson warning of the dangers of the new War on Terror and questioning FBI involvement in 1/6.

Matt Yglesias: A good way to reduce racism might be to do away with mandatory diversity training

New York Post: Illinois Democrat calls Waukesha Wisconsin Christmas parade rampage "karma"

Sunday, November 21, 2021

The preponderance of the evidence suggests that social media is causing real damage to adolescents, girls more than boys.

German study of 16 countries: The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality.

Tulsi Gabbard urges repeal of the Patriot Act (video):

"The FBI tracked concerned parents using counterterrorism measures in the Patriot Act. Such abuse of power is why I've long advocated to get rid of the Patriot Act. AG Garland & anyone involved should resign or be fired. This politicization of the DOJ will destroy our democracy."

Jack Dunphy:  Lessons from Kenosha

Chicago Rittenhouse protesters chant "the only solution is Communist revolution".

The Hill

US COVID-19 deaths in 2021 surpass last year's total

Unlike 2020, these deaths are not the fault of the president.

Law prof Jonathan Turley

Why the legal theory of public nuisance probably will not result in opioid manufacturers being held liable for OD deaths.

Dr. Marty Makary

"Unbelievable" how opioid drug deaths skyrocketed after lockdowns started.

Protests erupt over virus limits in Austria, Italy, Croatia

Demonstrations against virus restrictions also took place 

in Switzerland, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland and the Netherlands

Drew Holden

A summary of the lib media's outrageous pre-trial coverage of Kyle Rittenhouse

And, of course, defenders of Rittenhouse did so without evidence.