Friday, March 27, 2020

On this day in 1836,

Santa Ana Executes 417 Texan Revolutionaries At Gilead After The Slaughter At The Alamo

Colonel James Fannin, the commander of the captured Texian Army at Goliad, asked for humane treatment for himself and his Texian soldiers but his request was denied. Fannin was tortured and then shot in the head, and his men brutally murdered

On this day in 1829, the Petticoat Scandal:

Andrew Jackson 

Appoints John Eaton Sec'y of War

 and Scandalizes D.C. Society Prudes

 Who Don't Like Eaton's Wife

Jackson spends most of first term defending Eaton and his appointment

Video summary

Thursday, March 26, 2020

On this day eight years ago,

Obama's Pre-Election Collusion With Russia 

(In Plain Sight and on Open Mic)

Video of conversation

On this day in 1979,

Magic Johnson/Michigan State 
Larry Bird/Indiana State 
For NCAA Championship 

Video of game

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Top 10 Lies About President Trump’s Response to the Coronavirus

The Epoch Times
One Belt, One Road … One Virus
The Atlantic:
Beijing is successfully dodging culpability for its role in spreading the coronavirus.

Tucker Carlson (video):

“There is not enough federal bailout money in the Treasury to save every pointless university in a bad recession”

Catholic Church Approves Blanket Forgiveness For Sins During Outbreak
Starting on this day in 1984, one of the greatest episodes of mass hysteria and injustice in American history:

The Martin Preschool Sex Abuse Trial

The trial lasted seven years and cost $15 million,
 the longest and most expensive criminal case in the history of the United States legal system, 
and produced no convictions

NBC News video

On this day in 1947,



On this day 62 years ago, Democrat President Harry Truman ordered loyalty tests for all federal employees to flush out all those who were communist sympathizers or aligned with “totalitarian, fascist or subversive” organizations.  Truman’s order demanded “complete and unswerving loyalty” to the United States, with anything less being deemed “a threat to our democratic process.”  Each federal department and agency set up Loyalty Boards to enforce the order.

More here via the Truman Presidential Library
On this day in 1822,

Barbary Wars Naval Hero Stephen Decatur Killed In Duel

More here via Wikipedia