Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Former Clinton Advisor Mark Penn:

Free Roger Stone

On this day in 1942,

Democrat President FDR Orders

 Imprisonment of 100,000+ Japanese Americans

Democrat majority of Supreme Court upholds order; 

sole Republican justice dissents

On this day in 1942, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the imprisonment of over 100,000 Japanese citizens solely because of their national origin. The Democrat-appointed majority of the Supreme Court, in an opinion authored by former KKK member Hugo Black, upheld the order. The only Republican-appointed member of the Supreme Court dissented. In 1976 Republican President Gerald Ford signed an executive order prohibiting the executive branch from ever taking such action again. In 1988 Republican President Ronald Reagan formally apologized on behalf of the American people and authorized reparations for all those detained or their descendants.

On this day in 1807,

Aaron Burr, 

Killer of Alexander Hamilton, 

Accused of Treason

Alleged to have tried to form new country in Louisiana, etc.

Arrested in Alabama

Video summary
On this day in 1777,

Benedict Arnold Denied Promotion to General by Continental Congress

Video summary

Monday, February 17, 2020

U.S. Leads World in Lowering CO2 Emissions
On this day in 1862, a turning point for Grant and the Union:

U.S. Grant Captures Fort Donelson

Earns nickname "Unconditional Surrender"

Was this the most important battle of the Civil War?

Video summary

In response to Confederate commander Simon Boliver Bruckner's request for an armistice with terms, Grant responded:
"No terms except immediate and unconditional surrender can be accepted.  I propose to move immediately upon your works."
On this day in 1801,

First Presidential Election Deadlock Broken

Thomas Jefferson Selected After Tying with the Despicable S.O.B. Aaron Burr

A Hip Hughes History video