Thursday, February 4, 2021

Lee Smith: The Thirty Tyrants. The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta

Alan Dershowitz: Trump's Second Impeachment Violates The First Amendment

Big Brother Big Tech

YouTube Censors Senate Testimony From Doctor On Possible Covid Drug

Jonathan Turley: "We are watching the most successful campaign against free speech in the history of the United States. It is being supported by many in the media and academia.  If we allow companies like YouTube to succeed in such speech controls, true free speech could become a quaint historical relic in the United States."

 Brian Wesbury: Au Contraire, inflation is definitely on the horizon.

American Thinker: Jeff Bezos forced out as Amazon's CEO?

 Ed Yardeni: No inflation on the horizon

Sunday, January 31, 2021

A Different Type of Secession Is Already Happening in the USA

Americans who live in rural and some suburban areas are executing a secession of their own. They are disassociating themselves from the lifestyles, cultural mores, laws, and self-inflicted wounds exhibited in our large cities.