Saturday, June 20, 2020

American Thinker: Republicans Must Understand: We Are at War

Muhammed Ali Jr. says his father would have hated Black Lives Matter and thought it racist.  And he would have been a Trump supporter.  (How long until Jr. gets canceled?)

Conservative Berkeley Law Prof John Yoo:

“Boy was I wrong. Trump campaigns like a populist but governs like a constitutional conservative."

Lefty Laurence Tribe, Harvard Law Prof, apologizes for saying Biden should chose his VP based on qualifications rather than skin color
On this day in 1863,




On this day in 1863, West Virginia was admitted into the Union as the 35th state following its secession from secessionist Virginia and the Confederacy.   
After Virginia seceded to join the seven southern states that had originally seceded to form the Confederacy, western Virginians, who were mostly non-slave-owning farmers and laborers, felt increasingly alienated from and controlled by the eastern oligarchical planter-slaveholders.  This sentiment had existed from the days of the American Revolution when area residents had unsuccessfully petitioned the Continental Congress to form the state of Westsylvania.   
On June 11, 1861, western Virginia delegates voted to secede and wanted to name the state “Kanawha”. Western Virginia was immediately invaded by Confederate forces who took over the region claiming, ironically, that the westerners had no right to secede.  
Notwithstanding the presence of Confederate troops, western Virginians voted in a public referendum for secession from Virginia and drew up a state constitution. 
President Abraham Lincoln, who like many others had reservations about West Virginia’s legal right to secede from Virginia, admitted West Virginia into statehood on this date two years later.
70 Atlanta Cops Have Resigned After Officer Rolfe Faces Murder Charge, Dept. Is 60% Black
Maher (video): Millennials Risked Going Out for Protests, They Need to Do So for the Economy as Well
Black Preacher to CHAZ BLM Protesters: ‘Planned Parenthood #1 Killer of Black Population’

Friday, June 19, 2020

Ned Ryun:

"They’re not simply coming for Confederate statues. They’re coming for the American Founders.  If they delegitimize the Founders, they delegitimize the Founders’ documents—the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, all of it."

Liberal Matt Taibbi:

The liberal media is destroying itself

The Zogby Poll®: A majority of voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia; 60% of younger voters think so;

Studies: The smarter you are, the more likely you are to support free speech - for all opinions

Joe Rogan: Left-wing media is ignoring Biden's cognitive decline
Cultural Marxism requires ‘master bedroom’ to be removed from listings by MLS Advisory Board
On this day in 1972,

Curt Flood 

Loses Supreme Court Free Agency Case 

Lawsuit Effectively Ends Career

On this day in 1953,

Commie Spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg 

First U.S. Citizens Executed For Treason

Gave Soviet Union Top Secret Info re Nuclear Weapon Designs, etc.

Univ. of Florida To End ‘Gator Bait’ Chant And Mandate Racism Training For Students
The Second American Civil War Has Already Been Fought and Academia Won