Thursday, May 24, 2018

FBI Had No ‘Clear Criminal Predicate’ for Trump Campaign Snoops

On this day in 1861,

Elmer Ellsworth, Personal Friend of Abraham Lincoln, Becomes 1st Fatality of Civil War

On this day in 1964,

Goldwater Urges Withdrawal from Vietnam or Limited Use of Nuclear Weapons to Support U.S. Troops

But Johnson wins election landslide and 58,000 American boys die in Vietnam.

On this day in 1964, Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater said the U.S. should do whatever it took to support U.S. troops in Vietnam and, if Democrat President Johnson was not prepared to “take the war to North Vietnam,” the U.S. should withdraw.  Goldwater also suggested using low-yield nuclear weapons to defoliate infiltration routes and destroy bridges, roads and railroad lines bringing supplies from China.
Johnson responded by labeling Goldwater a warmonger who would drop atomic bombs on the people of Hanoi, a theme expanded upon in the Democrat Party’s famous “Daisy” ad showing a little girl picking daisies in a field while an atomic bomb goes off.  
Johnson won a landslide victory and went on to ignore the advice of his generals and mislead the American people regarding the scope of American involvement in Vietnam and what lay ahead.   
By the time the Vietnam War was over, 58,000 American boys, most of whom had been drafted and forced to go to Vietnam to fight, had been killed. [Partial source: Lt. General H.R. McMaster (President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor), Dereliction of Duty (1997).]

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Trump to cut foreign aid for home countries of illegal immigrants

Tucker Carlson on the China Threat 

with Michael Pillsbury

Sharyl Attkisson

Eight signs pointing to a counterintelligence operation deployed against Trump's campaign

Five years ago today,

British Soldier Lee Rigby Killed by Islamic Extremists in England

Via Althouse

Harvard Law Prof Tribe's Shoot to Kill "Momentary Lapse" Not So Momentary

Nearly 100 Illegal Immigrants Found Packed In Trailer During Traffic Stop
The Art of the Deal

Stephen Miller: Trump is America’s ‘negotiator-in-chief,’ what voters wanted ‘times 10’

Wynton Marsalis: Rap Is More Damaging Than Confederate Statues

Even Lyin' James Clapper Admits to ‘Spying’ from Inside the Trump Campaign

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Time to do something radical

Tyler Cowen: Legalize Pot, But Don’t Normalize It

On this day in 1856,


Tucker Carlson: Russia Investigation Shows Ruling Class Is ‘Completely Out of Control’
Former U.S. Atty Andrew McCarthy

Obama Started Spying on Trump Very Early On Because He Thought Trump was Conspiring with Russia

Victor Davis Hanson Nails Trump, Trumpism and the Wisdom of Trump Voters

Trump and Trump voters knew:
Amnestied illegal aliens would not in our lifetimes become conservative family-values voters. Vast trade deficits with China and ongoing chronic commercial cheating would not inevitably lead to the prosperity that would guarantee Chinese democracy. Asymmetrical trade deals were not sacrosanct under the canons of free trade. Unfettered globalization, outsourcing, and offshoring were not both inevitable and always positive. The losers of globalization did not bring their misery on themselves. The Iran deal was not better than nothing. North Korea would not inevitably remain nuclear. Middle East peace did not hinge of constant outreach to and subsidy of the corrupt and autocratic Palestinian Authority and Hamas cliques.
The Problem With CNN’s School Shooting Count

Shock Poll: GOP Takes Six-Point Lead in Midterm Generic Tracking Poll

Dem Rep Al Green: ‘Good Likelihood’ Dems Will Impeach Trump If We Retake the House

Judge: Teen must repay $37M for starting Columbia River, Oregon wildfire

$37M isn't enough.
On this day in 1843



A massive wagon train, made up of 1,000 settlers and 1,000 head of cattle, sets off down the Oregon Trail from Independence, Missouri. Known as the “Great Emigration,” the expedition came two years after the first modest party of settlers made the long, overland journey to Oregon.
After leaving Independence, the giant wagon train followed the Sante Fe Trail for some 40 miles and then turned northwest to the Platte River, which it followed along its northern route to Fort Laramie, Wyoming. From there, it traveled on to the Rocky Mountains, which it passed through by way of the broad, level South Pass that led to the basin of the Colorado River. The travelers then went southwest to Fort Bridger, northwest across a divide to Fort Hall on the Snake River, and on to Fort Boise, where they gained supplies for the difficult journey over the Blue Mountains and into Oregon. The Great Emigration finally arrived in October, completing the 2,000-mile journey from Independence in five months.
In the next year, four more wagon trains made the journey, and in 1845 the number of emigrants who used the Oregon Trail exceeded 3,000. Travel along the trail gradually declined with the advent of the railroads, and the route was finally abandoned in the 1870s.
Source Article
Much more interesting stuff here

Andrew McCarthy: It's not improper political interference for the chief executive to direct that evidence of executive-branch misconduct be probed.

Imagine a Republican saying this about President Hilary

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe Warns Dems Pushing Trump Impeachment: ‘You Have to Shoot to Kill’

Via Althouse

WaPo Headline: Proud mom orders ‘Summa Cum Laude’ cake online. Publix censors it: Summa … Laude."

Donna Voss; Why is Trump Appointing Women to all these Powerful Positions?

Pigs Fly: CNN’s Van Jones Praises Trump’s Prison Reform Plans, Takes Jab At Obama

Sharyl Attkisson: How the Obama FBI Plotted Against Trump

The Federalist: If Obama Spied on Congress & Journalists, Why Wouldn't He Spy on Trump?

Sunday, May 20, 2018

My favorite living economist.

Larry Kudlow: Trump Administration Making ‘Terrific Progress’ on Trade Deal with China

Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Give Trump Credit for Economy

Including strong majorities of Blacks and Hispanics
A 180 degree change from Obama:

Pompeo Tweets Support for Iranian anti-Regime Protesters

Who knew?
The Science is Settled: Journalists Really Are Drunker and Dumber Than Us

Weekly Standard: A futile and stupid gesture from Starbucks

Media that first insisted no spying, now making excuses for it.

Lying Media Spin: FBI Spying on Trump Campaign Was a “Good Thing” Aimed At “Protecting” Trump

The National Interest: Trump's Strategy for the Middle East Is Working