Thursday, June 13, 2019

Still not enough.

Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson’s Bakery case

Two Colleagues Contradict Brennan's Denial of Reliance on Dossier
Liberal Law Prof Jonathan Turley:
Trump Is Still Three Nixons Short Of Watergate

Scientists solve the mystery of hardening arteries, and find solution in a common drug

On this day in 1971,

NY Times Publishes Pentagon Papers

The Johnson Administration "systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress" about the Vietnam War

On this day in 1967,

LBJ Appoints Thurgood Marshall 

to Supreme Court

Jonathan Turley:
Trump: I Would Accept Dirt On Political Opponents If Offered By Foreign Governments
(As Hillary did.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mexican president selling his ‘luxurious presidential plane’ to pay for US immigration deal

Biden voted to restore citizenship to Rob't E. Lee & Jefferson Davis
Rush Limbaugh:
Go to California, Mr. President — Don’t Let Democrats Ignore What’s Happening There
On this day in 1987, The Gipper hits another home run:

"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!"

The State Dept. repeatedly asked Reagan to delete the phrase from his speech.
On this day in 1982,

Fearing The End of the World Under Reagan
"Ban The Bomb"

1,000,000 Protesters Central Park New York City

Wikepdia Anti-Nuclear Protests

Land O’Lakes CEO: Farmers Are in Crisis—and America Isn’t Paying Attention

Fewer than one in five Americans live in rural areas, but they represent 44% of those serving in our military.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

BBC Tells Reporters To Stop Using The Word “Terror”

U of New Mexico researchers develop vaccine which possibly prevents Alzheimer's Disease

Accuracy in Media:

Post Avoids Crediting Trump For Mexico Border Victory

A victim of the Virginia Beach shooting explicitly considered bringing a gun to work on the day she died. The city's anti-gun policy for employees left her defenseless.
Mexico's Foreign Minister: Mexico needs to do more to stop migration
Victor Davis Hanson

The FBI Tragedy: Elites above the Law

After decades in the FBI, the top brass came to believe they could flout the law and pursue their own political agendas.

Ingraham: Why are we helping illegal immigrants when we can't help ourselves?
Bill Maher

People are fed up with political correctness and it is killing the Democrats

Monday, June 10, 2019

Pigs Fly

Maher: Hillary Clinton Committed Obstruction of Justice
Treating Donald Trump as an anomaly is misguided. Look around the globe: He's the new normal.
WI Sen. Ron Johnson: GOP fully supports Trump's 'brilliant' tactics with Mexico
From the Editors at National Review:

A Win at the Border

Christian Baker Jack Phillips Is Being Sued—Again
Law Prof Jonathan Turley:
Trump’s “Tough” Immigration Policy Leaves Out Employers
On this day 50 years ago, Billboard's #1 song:

The Beatles "Get Back"

Song originated as criticism of those opposed to immigration

Video from "The Rooftop Concert"
John Lennon:  "I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves 
and I hope we've passed the audition"