Thursday, January 2, 2020

Obama/Hillary voter Althouse:

"Biden touts himself as the embodiment of honesty while spreading a well-known lie [about Trump's Charlottesville comments]. That's an exquisite form of lying."

New Victor Davis Hanson:

"Conventional wisdom and groupthink tend to mislead, especially in the age of online echo chambers and often sheltered and blinkered elite lives."

Ann Coulter
Hollywood is not sending us their best (reader discretion advised)
He did everything he could to submarine Trump

John McCain leaked "pee dossier" - Steele shocked it was published

Obama/Hillary voter Althouse:
"The anti-Trumpers like to depict Trump as a big baby, but they've been having a 3-year tantrum."

An article from one year ago,
Robert Kaplan: Afghanistan Symbolizes the Decline of the American Empire
On this day in 1962,

The Weavers Banned From NBC 

For Refusing to Disavow Communist Party

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Anti-Semitism Rising: Why is Anyone Shocked?
On this day in 1959, 60 years ago:

Castro-led Revolution 

Forces Batista Out of Cuba

U.S. Deposes Dictator and Gets Something Worse

A Hip Hughes History Summary (video)

On this day in 1863,

Lincoln Signs Emancipation Proclamation

Frees Slaves in Confederate States Only 

Effectively recasts the Civil War as a fight against slavery 
and discourages foreign powers from supporting the Confederacy.

A Hip Hughes History Summary (video)