Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Peter Boghossian: My University (Portland State) Sacrificed Ideas for Ideology. So Today I Quit.

Steve Watson:

Don Surber: Maureen Dowd and Peggy Noonan should retire

Glenn Greenwald: "The number of people who have been criminally charged with inciting an insurrection on January 6 is exactly equal to the number of Americans who were criminally charged with colluding with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election. A perfect symmetry."

American Compass:

Not What They Bargained For: A Survey of American Workers

The survey reveals that working-class Americans have become alienated from the labor movement, and perceive it as overly political. Many workers simply don't want to be part of a union that gets involved with national politics instead of just focusing on bread-and-butter issues in the workplace. The survey also highlights what workers do want: cooperative labor-management relations and concrete economic benefits.

Ric Grenell"I know that from very first hand information. General Miller did not want to close Bagram but General Milley said that he did."

Legal Insurrection:

Fauci Lied: Documents Showcase U.S.-Funded Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Lab

Professor Richard Ebright: “The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”

Matt Taibbi

Moral Majority Media Strikes Again

When Rachel Maddow, Rolling Stone, and others jumped on a dubious report of ivermectin overdoses, it was just the latest in a string of moral mania mishaps

News has become a corporatized version of the “Two Minutes Hate,” in which the goal of every broadcast is an anxiety-ridden audience provoked to the point of fury by the un-policed infamy of whatever wreckers are said to be threatening civilization this week: the unvaccinated, insurrectionists, Assadists, Greens, Bernie Bros, Jill Stein, Russians, the promoters of “white supremacy culture,” etc. Mistakes are inevitable because this brand of media business isn’t about accuracy, but rallying audiences to addictive disgust. 

Via Althouse

Joe Rogan: "Bro, do I have to sue CNN? They're making shit up. They are saying I'm taking horse dewormer. I literally got it [Ivermectin] from a doctor."


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lara Logan:

Three female police officers executed in Kabul - another female police office, six months pregnant, executed by Taliban.

CNN Flashback:

Prior Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a coronavirus vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid'

Gen. Milley finally says it: 

Afghan army not properly designed to defend country.

Daily Mail

Rep. Michael McCaul (video):

Americans currently held hostage

 at Taliban airport

William McGurn via Althouse: 

"Mr. Biden is not a Gold Star father and should stop playing one on TV."

Flashback 2018:

Vaccines Are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve

Just as antibiotics breed resistance in bacteria, vaccines can incite changes that enable diseases to escape their control. Researchers are working to head off the evolution of new threats.

Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year