Saturday, February 12, 2022

Anne Applebaum

A profound failure of the Western imagination has brought Europe to the brink of war.

Matt Taibbi

The Great International Convoy Fiasco

As America puts the Canadian Prime Minister's unmentionables in a vice over a truck protest, it's clearer than ever: the world's leaders have forgotten how to govern

Clotshot Carnarge? Did 108 professional soccer players die from heart failure post COVID vaccine? (Video)

Bill Maher ripped Justin Trudeau's comments about the unvaccinated and Canada truckers, and said he sounded like Hitler (video).

Kash Patel

Durham's latest pleading shows that the Hillary Clinton campaign directly funded and ordered its lawyers to orchestrate a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia.

Durham: Clinton allies spied on the Executive Office of the President

Friday, February 11, 2022

John Nolte

Truck Drivers Are the Atlas that Finally Shrugged

Batya Ungar-Sargon

The Canadian trucker strike shows the change in the Democrat Party from the party of the working class to the party of the pajama class.

Pat Buchanan

The balance of power is constantly shifting. And in this new century, it has been shifting in favor of America's adversaries, all of whom wish to see us diminished.

Zero Hedge

COVID "Conspiracy Theories" Have Now Magically Become "Fact-Checked" Mainstream Narrative

Study: One year after infection, over 25% of people had lung diffusion (breathing) issues.

Alex Berenson

For generations public health experts had encouraged restrained government responses to epidemics. The conventional wisdom was that so-called “non-pharmaceutical inventions” like quarantines, travel bans, school closures, and mandatory tracing probably wouldn’t help much. Even if they did, they risked stigmatizing infected people and came with huge costs to society.

Until . . .

First the tow trucks. Now the military.

Military tells Ottawa to find someone else to evict the truckers

Scientists in Hungary examining a unique variant of COVID-19 have discovered genetic material that suggests the strain was being examined in a Chinese lab, bolstering the lab leak theory.

Rand Paul (video) supports the truckers and hopes they come to America

Victor Davis Hanson: Why Ideology is the Ancient Enemy of Civilization

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Matt Taibbi

Justin Trudeau's CeauÅŸescu Moment

Denouncing truckers for "unacceptable views," Canada's Prime Minister skipped town rather than face evidence of his own unpopularity. Is neoliberalism finally cracking?

Daily Caller

A recent change in the computation of the CPI by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is downplaying inflation. In reality, the general level of prices rose 0.7% from December to January, not 0.6%. That may not sound like much, but it is the difference between an annual rate of 7.4% and 8.7% — a 1.3 percentage point deviation.

 Rep. Adam Kinzinger:

What the Truckers Want

A lot of the truckers who had driven in from Vancouver and Winnipeg and Quebec City expressed this same uncertainty. It was getting really expensive to get by: rent, utilities, groceries, everything. Almost everyone who was poor or even middle-class was mired in debt. They told me that they expected this sort of wealth gap in America, but not in Canada.

Et tu, CNN Poll

Majority Disapprove of Joe Biden, Deem His Presidency a ‘Failure’


Prices climbed 7.5% in January, compared with last year, continuing inflation's fastest pace in 40 years

High inflation is undermining a robust recovery, testing policymakers at the Fed and White House


It's like the takeover of Portland, Oregon in 2020. How long did that go on and how did it end? And the old Occupy movement. These things demonstrate how close we are to chaos.

Babylon Bee: 

The Federalist

Canadian Elites Created The Ottawa Crisis, And They Have No Idea How To End It

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Holman Jenkins / WSJ

Joe Biden, a President for the New Cold War

In one way, the 79-year-old NATO adherent is the right man for his times.

Researchers report game-changing technology to remove 99% of carbon dioxide from air


When Snopes' fact-checking rating of "mostly false" should really be "mostly true" given the facts.

Jonathan Chait

The Left Is Gaslighting Asian Americans About College Admissions

I support affirmative action, but stop denying it discriminates against Asians.

Eliot Cohen / The Atlantic

Putin’s No Chess Master

Some believe Putin has not only Ukraine, but the whole West, exactly where he wants it. A more balanced consideration is in order.

Suzy Weiss

Revenge of the Covid Moms

'This is the year that parents say: You’re either with us or against us.’

Alex Berenson

The pathetic collapse of Team Apocalypse

The science has changed lol. Efforts to rewrite history will begin in three, two, one...

Monday, February 7, 2022

“The Centers for Disease Control is considering changing the timeline for the administration of a second Moderna and Pfizer Wuhan coronavirus vaccine dose. The consideration comes after a rushed timeline caused heart inflammation in a number of patients.”

Alex Berenson

Belgian study: People who were previously infected with Covid have less natural protection six months after getting Pfizer’s mRNA shot.

“I’ve Never Seen A Market Like This”: Goldman Head Commodities Strategist Sees Shortages Of Everything, “You Name It, We’re Out Of It”

COVID-19 can cause lasting damage to the cardiovascular system, even in “mild” cases that didn’t require hospitalization during the acute phase of infection. A new study shows we’re going to see more heart disease, strokes, blood clots & other problems.

Politico - that time when Jimmy Carter said a full investigation would show Trump lost in 2016

Alex Berenson

Britain has now dropped jabs mandate for health-care workers after realizing that trading vaccines that don’t stop the Virus for a functioning health-care system doesn’t make much sense.

Washington Times

Media ignores revelations about ineffectiveness of lockdowns

Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley

 “Dismantling Democracy” to Save it: How Democrats Rediscovered the Joys of Rigging Elections with Gerrmandering

Germany to clear cut 1,000 acre Grimm Fairy Tale Forest to install wind turbines

The Tsunami That Could Kill Thousands In The Pacific Northwest.

World Health Organization re the new Omicron variant which is beginning to circulate:

“If you’re with someone in a room who has the #BA2variant, you will get it. The moment you take your mask off to drink & eat"

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Left-wing Hollywood star Ron Perlman has given up on the United States, calling for secession in the form of a national divorce between red and blue states.

The New York Times warned Saturday that Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent with the January 6 Committee, exceeding the constitutional powers of Congress in a way that Republicans can use when they take back the majority.

Babylon Bee: Joe Rogan Agrees To Only Spread CDC-Approved Misinformation

Althouse on India Arie pulling her music from Spotify because of Joe Rogan:

"If we're going to take the "language around race" seriously and withdraw from group projects that include you with someone who's said something racially wrong, then where can you go? What can you do? And won't we also take the language around gender seriously? All of the machinery of pop culture will collapse."

Jonathan Turley 

GoFundMe and the Nag’s Head Light: How Crowdfunding Has Become The Latest Battleground Over Free Speech

Ross Douthat / NYT

At This Point, I’ll Bet on Susan Collins Over the Resistance

Second, from the background to Zucker’s departure: We already knew that he blessed the wild prime-time lovefest between the brothers Cuomo, the CNN anchor and the New York governor. But now it’s being reported by The New York Post that Zucker helped arrange the absurd interviews, sometimes through the influence of his paramour, a former Andrew Cuomo communications director, and even allegedly gave the New York governor advice on how to swat at Donald Trump during his famous Covid-19 briefings.

You can put these anecdotes together and get a decent understanding of what went wrong in important parts of American media during the Trump presidency. The powerful belief that only CNN — indeed, only Jeff Zucker — stood between democracy and authoritarianism encouraged the abandonment of normal journalistic standards, the sacrifice of sobriety and neutrality to what Armin Rosen, writing for UnHerd, dubs the “centrist-branded panic industry.”

But I thought this kind of thing didn't happen:

Memphis BLM founder Pamela Moses sentenced 6 years for illegally voting


1984: Spotify Pulls More Than 110 Episodes Of Joe Rogan’s Podcast