Friday, April 5, 2019

Steve Cortes:

Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.

Did Pharma Drug Stocks Predict Trump's Election?
The New Yorker

The Day the Dinosaurs Died

A young paleontologist may have discovered a record of the most significant event in the history of life on Earth. p

may have discovered a record of the mostsignificant event in the history of life on Earth.

Victor Davis Hanson

The Virtuous Can Never Be Guilty

Devin Nunes: The Russia Collusion Hoax was Perpetrated by Intelligence Officials and Damaged the Country

John Solomon.
Note to Team Mueller: If you don't indict, you can't incite
For those who have forgotten:

Rod Rosenstein's Memo Recommending The Firing of James Comey

The man who presaged Trumpism.

Pat Buchanan: 2020 - Socialist America or Trump’s America?

For never-Trump conservatives, the day of reckoning may be just ahead.

Dershowitz: House vote demanding Mueller report is political BS. ‘No court should or would issue subpoena for unredacted report’

Andrew McCarthy: The Folly of the Mueller Investigation

Thursday, April 4, 2019

WaPo: Right-wing terrorism and violence may actually have declined
The Intergenerational Effects of a Large Wealth Shock: White Southerners After the Civil War

The nullification of slave-based wealth after the US Civil War (1861-65) was one of the largest episodes of wealth compression in history. We document that white southern households with more slave assets lost substantially more wealth by 1870 relative to households with otherwise similar pre-War wealth levels. Yet, the sons of these slaveholders recovered in income and wealth proxies by 1880, in part by shifting into white collar positions and marrying into higher status families. Their pattern of recovery is most consistent with the importance of social networks in facilitating employment opportunities and access to credit.
On this day in 1968,



On this day in 1968, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot in the head and killed while standing on the balcony outside his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.  Just the day before King had given his last sermon saying, “We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop . . . And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land.”  

Two months later Bobby Kennedy would be shot in the head and killed while campaigning for president in Los Angeles.
On this day in 1865,


On this night in 1865, Abraham Lincoln dreamt of “the subdued sobs of mourners” and a corpse lying on a catafalque in the White House East Room.  In the dream, Lincoln asked a soldier standing guard, “Who is dead in the White House?” to which the soldier replied, “the President . . . he was killed by an assassin.” Lincoln woke up at that point.  On April 11, he told one of his best friends that the dream had “strangely annoyed” him ever since. 

Ten days after having the dream, Lincoln was shot in the head and killed by John Wilkes Booth at the Ford Theater.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

On this day in 1860,

Pony Express Debuts

Delivers mail from Missouri to California in "lightning fast" speed of 10 days

Put out of business in less than two years by development of the telegraph

Scott Adams Podcast 477 Part I:
Is the Fake News Business Model Designed To Destroy The World?

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Physics Moves Closer To Proving The Perceived World Is Not Real

Clapper Implicates Obama 

For Trump Campaign Spying

On this day in 1965,

LBJ Tells 1st Of Many Lies About His Vietnam War Plans

On this day in 1965, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson lied to the media about his recent deployment of the first 3,500 Marines sent to Vietnam, supposedly solely for defensive purposes to secure the U.S. base at DaNang.  Johnson really had plans to send more troops to Vietnam and to use them offensively rather than just defensively.  By the time LBJ was hounded out of office because of the war, he had sent 500,000 Americans to Vietnam.  58,000 American boys, many of whom were drafted and forced to fight in Vietnam, never came home.

[See Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, "Dereliction of Duty" subtitled “Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, The Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the lies that led to Vietnam.”  Gen. McMaster says Democrat President Johnson “disregarded the advice he did not want to hear in favor of a policy based on the pursuit of his own political fortunes and his beloved domestic programs."  "The administration’s lies to the American public grew in magnitude as the American military effort in Vietnam escalated,” initially without the public’s knowledge or consent.] 

NSA Whistleblower: Page FISA Warrant Likely a Gateway to Spy on Entire Trump Campaign