Tuesday, July 16, 2019

10 years ago today in 2009,


Slanders White, Certified Diversity Trainer Who Once Tried To Save African American NBA Player Reggie Lewis With Mouth-to-Mouth CPR

On this day in 2009, Democrat President Barack Obama accused white Boston police officer James Crowley, a certified police trainer in diversity and racial profiling, of “acting stupidly” when he arrested Obama’s personal friend, African-American and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, for disorderly conduct.  

Crowley had previously gained notice for being one of two police officers who had administered CPR, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, in a failed attempt to revive African-American and Boston Celtics basketball star Reggie Lewis, who died on the court during practice.

According to press reports, Gates had just returned from a long trip overseas, was tired, and both he and his driver had trouble getting his front door open.  After entering through a back door and then exiting, Gates and his driver forced their way into the front door, damaging the door.

After a neighborhood resident reported a possible break-in at Gates’ house, Crowley arrived at the scene, went up to the front door, and asked Gates to step outside. Crowley explained he was investigating the report of a break-in in progress.  

Gates asked, "Why, because I'm a black man in America?"

Gates then threatened Crowley by saying he did not know who he was "messing with." 

Crowley asked Gates for a photo ID so as to verify he was the resident of the house.  Gates initially refused, but then supplied his Harvard University identification card.  However, Gates went on to repeatedly shout requests for Crowley’s identification.

Crowley then told Gates that he was leaving his residence and that if Gates wanted to continue discussing the matter, he would speak to him outside.  

Gates replied, "Yeah, I'll speak with your mama outside." 

Gates stepped onto his front porch and continued to yell at Crowley, accusing him of racial bias and saying he had not heard the last of him.   On the 9-1-1 dispatcher audio recordings, a man's loud voice is heard in the background at several points during Sgt. Crowley's transmissions.

Crowley warned Gates that he was becoming disorderly. When Gates ignored this warning and persisted in his behavior, and likewise ignored a second warning from Crowley, Crowley informed Gates that he was under arrest.

Obama’s use of his presidency to mischaracterize Crowley’s behavior, with no criticism of Gates’ behavior, set off a national uproar which he later attempted to mollify with a White House Beer Summit in the Rose Garden.  

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